Good news!




“Together Everyone Achieves More!”

This is the best acrostic meaning given to the word TEAM and the truth behind this meaning is appreciated worldwide.





As the building of Bamboo Lane progresses, Pueblo de Oro is looking for contractors to partner with whom they can fully trust and depend on. One of the great news is that we, Homechoice Planners, made the cut and was given more clusters to build! Together with Roy Engineering Services, Sta. Ana Raycas Corp., and Sentroid Engineering Services.




November 27, 2019 —  Commitment Commenced

The partnership is sealed with a prayer during the ground breaking ceremony, acknowledging that apart from God, this partnership will not be successful. As what the pastor said during the ceremony (paraphrased), “God will not let us down. He will never do for He loves us but we are capable of letting each other down so let’s offer ourselves unto the Lord”.




Congratulations to us team and let’s work beyond expectation!
Turn-over before deadline?