Updates on Vista Verde Village Project 3

Dedicated. One must be wholly committed to something that they do for greater outcomes. As for us in HomeChoice Planners, it is but important to us that we dedicate ourselves in every project that we work on. Being devoted into something is a sign for achievement.

With this project at Vista Verde Village, we are giving our best shot on working with this house construction, making sure that we’ve followed every little detail that our client wanted for their dream house. And also deliver to them every development with their house. As for last week’s enhancements, we were able to work on the installation of reinforcement column on 2nd floor and removing of scaffolding.

For this week’s activity, we have worked 60% on the CHB filling and 35% on Installation of forms for column on the 2nd floor. The planned activities for next week will be the following:

-Continuation of CHB filling
-Installation of forms

There’ll be a lot to work on before seeing this house in its physical form. But with a lot of dedication and hard work, this project will be done in no time. We know that the Almighty Father is with us, guiding us in every work that we do. He serves as our inspiration and of course, our clients as well, giving us the drive to work more for the better. So to our inspirations, Thanks much!