As extension of our un-stoppable service to our clients, we have these on-going projects in Menzi’s Orchard in Bukidnon, Morning Mist Village, Pueblo de Oro, Opol, CDO area, Tuscania and Golf Estates areas. These are other projects which we need to accomplish on the right time and on its full amenities. Most of these are two-storey house building and having different concepts and designs. These are:
Mr. & Mrs. Tupaz House Construction Update – Menzi’s Orchard
As our update few months ago ,this house building project is located in Menzi Orchard Residences, Alae, Bukidnon. Just last January; this project had its lot clearing, buhos and architect’s visit. And now, as its more updates:
February 24, 2011- The project had its Foundation for both the first floor and the second floor, as will concreting of its walling. And the visible enduring house structure.
April 28, 2011- The development is more on its on-going structuring as what the photo show:

It is going to be that good and durable house building for the family. As what its concept shows, Tupas family wanted it to be according to their preference and taste of unique architectural touches and ideal ambiance for their entire family members. We will be posting its newest update any time soon.
Edison Lao’s House & Lot Package Construction
Lot Area: 202 s.q.m Bed Rooms: 4 and 1 study/library room
Floor Area: 175 s.q.m Toilet & Baths: 3
This is a house construction project only. Mr. Edison acquired this lot already. The house concept is two-storey, having 4 bed rooms, 3 toilet and baths, living, kitchen, and dining and carport areas. This is in Morning Mist Village area, and has been last April, this year. As of April 04, 2011, here is the development of this project:

The ground breaking has been done; the foundation was being put up, and its on-going structuring is moving forward. For the two months development update, will be posted soon also!
Mosqueda’s Bungalow House Construction in, Opol
If we have those projects somewhere in Balingasag and Bukidnon, we also have another one going to the other side of the road! We have another in here in Cagayan de Oro, mainly in Opol area. It is owned by Felimona Mosqueda. This is a bungalow house construction. Just last April 14, 2011, we had this ground breaking & lot dedication. That was participated by the office team and the church members. The Mosqueda family was also there to witness the dedication. That was to make the construction be done well in accordance of God and the safety for every one in the site, while doing their job.
For the latest update as of June 09, 2011for this project here are the photo:

As what it shows, it is now on its foundation process. This will be finished after three months long, as its maximum targeted time. For sure, this will be having a fast development, with our hard-working and dedicated construction workers, mason, and field engineer with the monitoring of the Homechoice Planners’ team. We will keep this project posted as well, for your convenience!
You may check more photos here Cagayan de Oro Construction!