Homechoice Planners Blog

Mr. & Mrs. Cotanda’s House Construction Project

Last September 08,2010, the office had the  concrete pouring on the construction house project owned by Cotanda. This has been attended by the office head, masons and the laborers themselves. This was featured to prove that the projects we have are developing, and we are taking into accounts all of the steps going on. The house was started last September 04, and now still going on. It is located in Golden Glow Village and owned by Mr. & Mrs. Cotanda, and a two-storey house construction project.

The done pouring was for the concrete, foundation,excavation and lay outing. The targeted construction period for this is up to 5-6 months, like those other two-storey house projects. This will be done sooner as the owner expected. The house and lot is measured with its lot area of 120 and floor area of 130.The lot size is vividly not as big area, but the office is only maximized the area to make the two-storey house be possibly build. This is how we work, we design, and construct the house with its possible maximization of the availability of the land area.Even how small your land size is, let us maximize it and work for it for your comfort and shelter!

Foreigners are Welcome in Homechoice Planners

Our Philippine constitution is stressing that there is an exception of owning any property within our territory, any alien or foreigner is given consideration also.But there are bases or cases which to be followed in acquiring a real estate. They must abide with the set grounds or rules below:

*acquisition before the 1935 Constitution
*acquisition thru hereditary succession if the foreign acquire is a legal heir
*purchase of not more than 40% interest as a whole in a condominium project
*purchase by a former natural born Filipino citizen subject to the limitations prescribed by law.

As what the general rule states, only Filipino citizens, corporation or partnership who could acquire real estate in the country. Only the 60% of the total percentage of the property is would be owned by the Filipino citizen and  the 40% only is set for the foreigners.  On the other hand, for those who are married with foreigners, this case is would still be observed or should be followed. It should be sixty forty percent ratio.

This is to welcome all of those individuals to set their minds to live and acquire a property here in the county. This is to show that our national laws are not only intended or favorably made for the native Filipinos, but also showing respect to all the others who would like to venture here from the other counties.

This is mainly also for those couple who are abroad and those who are married to foreign nationals to. This is to give chance to them to be equally given importance and consideration  as well. We, in Homechoice Planners & Constructions Corporation, is widely opening our hands and support to all of those personality.

Here in Homechoice Planners& Construction Corporation is widely, giving this opportunity to all of you. We will offer you the best service and the satisfaction you seek, and would give you the full comfort you need!

Wants to Make Your Dream House Possible?

What is your dream house look like? How much is your targeted budget for that? In Homechoice Planners, your longing for your own house to be built is possible. We consider few and practical factors in building your house. The following are few of the factors we consider in building your dream house to build:

First, we want to know your house budget. Once we know your budget, we can then start conceptualizing the best one for you and for your family. Just be open to us regarding this matter. Asking our clients of their house budget might be odd to hear and for other people, but it really a must sometimes especially in our field, since we will fit the house to be built with the materials and the size of the house structure for that.

Next, tell us your lot and location choice of where your house to build (if ever you don’t have yet any vacant/ prepared lot for that). If ever you don’t have, notifying us is much appreciated, so that we still can help you find the right lot for you. Just open it up to us before time,so that there will be enough time for us to set it for you.

Lastly, let us offer you the precise, quality, elegance, and luxurious looks service and outcome which we used to do and still can offer now. Those are just few of the must considered factors in making your dream house come true. With us in Homechoice Planners, we open our ears and senses to hear your house longings to be possible!

The Architectural Designs

Anywhere we go and look around what we can see are the varying forms, designs or artistic lines. Those are what we called the products of the mastered skill, imagination and talent of those architects in our society. It is said that people in this field are more kin, intellectually advance and superb in the way they design something,which is beyond our imagination and expectation.

There are lots of architectural designs now, which all of us are impress and like to experience its goodness and elegance even to our household building. Who said that we can’t use those high-end designs in building our house? It is really applicable and that inspiring to apply! As what usually seen in our surroundings presently, each house building has its own style or architectural expression. We could even say that it is from the individual expression or inner resources or intuition.

That is just one of the sources of those people in line with architecture. In regards to our Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation, we design not only through the elitism we consider, but also the economic and the maximization of the resources that our clients have or targeted. It would be a healthy challenge on our part to meet your expectation,even with that limited resources you have.

Also, we consider the structural, functional and material honesty design value. We used the exact materials which is in planned and the right one,as what is being expected by our clients. In this business, we believe and enact that if the foundation of the house building is good and vital, our commitment and reputation also to our clients and spectators, would be vital and high as well.

We utilise in quality products, for quality output and good call from all of our clients; and this is one way for us to show are architectural designs, which are not inspired only from the books, from other designs around, but of course, from within our imagination, consideration of all clients economic and social stability, and the most is the elegance outcome of all of our projects done and to be done.

Homechoice Planners On-going Projects

As for now, the Homechoice Planners is having at least six (6) house construction package projects. Those are nearly done and would then be ready to move in by the homeowners. Those are in different models and sizes; as well as in different location in Pueblo. The other one is there in Valencia, Bukidnon. It is just one proof that our construction is not only operating and accepting construction works here in Cagayan de Oro, but also to neighboring cities. Of course, we highly consider the security and the complete convenience of our clients, as well as our workers.

Presently, the Luardo, Escalante, Bruderer, Naval are the other on-going projects and are going good and would meet the set time for those to be done. All of those are two-storey house buildings and having the complete, amazing, elegant and stylistic designs. The lot sizes and the floor areas are varied and the buildings are showing spacious due of its done maximization.

These house buildings worth million/s but those are worth, according to each home owner’s standard and like for their dream house. We are glad that we maintain the service we offer to our valued clients, as well as the respect of which we always see to it to be practiced; as extending our responsibility and role as house construction provider with enough time for more than enough architectural services.

The soon to be done projects will show and prove to numbers of people widely, that we can meet your desired planned house/s and we are sincere with our devotion with this profession and field of architecture. We will design for your house, we will construct that for you, and we will let you live on it with the ease, comfortably and with the budget you planned it to be possible.

On our next feature, we will show you the blessing for those houses, so that you will also know and see the done project with its complete amenities, interior designs and the totality on those houses that bring color on each owner’ living.