Homechoice Planners Blog

Vista Verde Village, Pueblo New Projects

It is very pleasing to ears every time we have to start for a new- a new motive in life or in anything we do, a new day to start and a new quarter to start a big mission for the rest of the year. Of course, what is most interesting for us in Homechoice Planners is to have this New Projects in Vista Verde Village in Peublo area.

We have a project for TWO NEW PROJECTS- Bungalow & Two-Storey houses for our clients. These are in the same area or subdivision. These are now on each development.

1st House Bungalow Project

This is own by Mr. & Mrs. Loyola. This is a one-storey-house, having these house amenities: 3 bed rooms, 2 toilet & baths, kitchen, living, dinning and receiving areas and garage and a 120 s.q.m. lot area.  Its targeted construction period is the same with those other bungalow projects we had, which is 2-3 months long.  As of its update for June 21st; it has now its house structure, concrete walling, and on its ceiling preparation for its completion soon.

2nd House Two-Storey House Project

This is own by Mr. & Mrs. Abada, having these house amenities: 3 bed rooms, 3 toilet & baths, dinning, kitchen, receiving and dinning areas, terrace and its carport. Its targeted construction period is would be 5-6 months.

It has now its development update as of June 21st. It has now its house structure, concrete walling, and ceiling preparation, and for the 2nd floor concrete pouring. It is now on the blast of full development soon. It will be done according to Mr. & Mrs. Abada’s wants and preference.

To our clients,  Mr.  & Mrs. Loyola and Mr. & Mrs. Abada, thank you for the trust and for the giving us a chance to help you make your dream house to come true! We  are in one aim to deliver you the best service and the full force of making these dream houses you have to be well- done and that great in following your own taste, preference, and desires for your houses to be. We will update you more of your house development soon!

Golf Estate Two- Storey House Project By: Mr. & Mrs. Pollard

When we talk about Golf Estate, it means, high-end, luxurious and in demand area for residential area; it has CLASS and highly regarded one. To be one of those people living in there is much fulfilling. That is why, we are happy, that even our projects in Homechoice Planners, are now, not only introduced, but also on- the-mark for its success.

As what we featured with our previous project last year, 2010, The Mr. & Mrs. Bruderer huge two-storey house and lot, construction, we are now adding this one now to our list on this area- The Mr. & Mrs. Pollard Two- Storey house project.

This is now one of our on-going projects and on its fast development. We are happy to spread the great enhancement of this project, since when we started this just few months ago; having these house amenities to be: 4 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, living, receiving and kitchen areas, laundry area, carport and terrace.

We have this construction update as of June 21, 2011:

It now has its two-storey structure and fast development  soon. The project is that fast, and we are having the same target of 5-6 months of making this house to be done. All of us know that, all of us  in the management are aiming with the best outcome of this project and for the rest of the projects we have here in Pueblo areas, and mainly here in CDO area.

Our future updates and development of this project is open to all of you!

Interior Furnishing for Mrs. Alberastine

Though house construction is our core service to offer, we also have this other offers that number of our clients to enjoy with. We have this house renovations and interior furnishing as well. Yes, we have these offers too! With this, you can also submit to us your ideas first, of what you want your house look like would be, or its plan to be specific. Then we will be the one to improve it.

Just like this one we have in La Mirande, Grand Europa, we have this newly proposed interior furnishing for Mrs. Alberastine’s newly bought two-storey house. This is another project we have for house interior. As we know, there are houses that needs to be furnished even it is in ready for occupancy condition. Mrs. Alberastine is one good proof for this. She just bought a house in La Mirande, with its very beautiful surrounding, though she needs her new house to be furnished in its interior.

What we did in Homechoice Planners, we first discussed vividly with her the concept, then made implement it to the area. As its update as of June 14, 2011; it has the tiled floor, soon to be done built-in cabinets for the kitchen, bed rooms, and on every toilet & bath tile and accents with its fixtures, as well as the wood tiles for every bed rooms.

This will be a soon to be done project we have, since this is only interior furnishing. We are thankful to render service like this, to practice and widen our exemplary and more than satisfactory performance ever since.  This is will be a start, neither to be the second, third nor to be the last!

You can avail this one too! Just contact us, and for sure we will be on time to serve you with our best.

Mr. & Mrs. Morre Two-Storey House Project Update

Project enhancement is one of our goals in every thing we gain in the office. It is always be an honor for us to continue our service with full of hard work, faith, determination and ease, as possible. Just like the one we have in Morning Mist Village, Pueblo.

Just last week, June 15, 2011, we had this photo updates for Mr. & Mrs. Morre’s house. It has the following improvements: the two-storey-structure ( 1st and the 2nd floor), tiled flooring, piled stones on its interior, stares, varied color bed rooms with each built-in cabinets, ready toilet and baths with its accented tiles, ready  and tiled terrace, with light bulbs/ florescent/s ceiling with all of its architectural design and curves, and the soon to be done pathways on its side at its 1st floor dinning area, and its built cabinets in the kitchen area.

This is soon to be finished project we have for this year. We will be looking forward for this accomplishment soon! Our workers are still strong enough to continue the service they started blissfully and with our monitoring as well. Thus, this will be done accordingly. We are excited for the outcome of this project and for sure, we will share this to you, too!

Mrs. Felisa Aparente House Blessing

Just last Monday, we turned- over this project the owner. The time has come and long time dream come true for Mrs. Aparente! Just yesterday, June 16, 2011, 5 PM- 8 P.M,all of us in Homechoice Planners’ Team went together to her newly built and ready to move-in house in Golden Glow North subdivision. We were in one to celebrate the house blessing of Mrs. Aparente. It is our pleasure and great honor to do so. With all of the inspiring words uttered by ma’am Felisa, she showed that she is very much thankful and that fully satisfied with the service we rendered to her family. She was that very hospitable of accommodating us all to her house with full of sincerity, humility and whole-heartedly.

It is our honor also to boast that, we can’t make your dream to come true without the guidance and protection of God to all of us in the team and to those Homechoice Planners’ & Construction Corp.’ workers. It is an add-on proof that we don’t just construct and deliver a house, but a home as well to all of our clients. Thus, as what Mrs. Aparente’s acceptance to us, and reaction with the done work we have for them, she is that proud and thankful that for 32 years of renting and living of the house which she doesn’t own, at last, now, which she can called as HER DREAM HOUSE!

As I’ve interviewed Mrs. Felisa, I have heard a lot of inspiring points in her life, which also told me that she really deserves to be in a very well-made and in good architectural taste house. Her eyes spoke to us with full of humility- a very down to earth woman, a very determine and dedicated mother and grand mother in this newly built and harmonious HOME.

As she stressed, “for how many years… 32 years, I prayed to have my own house. There were times that I applied for housing or a property, but I was never happened to pursue it. And now, I feel like- this is seem not true that I have my own house now. And to this very good and right area for us.”

You deserve to have it and be happy with all of the perseverance and challenges you encountered ma’am Felisa! We know that because of your humble heart, God provided you all of your needs and dreams!

She added,” If not because of your intelligent mind and you intelligent people (she was talking to all of us in Homechoice Planners team), my dream to have my own house will not be come true.” She told us this, with almost teary eyes, that spoke a lot of truth of what she feels deep in-side.

From all of us in Homechoice Planners Team and construction workers, we would like to congratulate you ma’am for making your dream come true! From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank you for sharing with us your life story, your ideas, and most of all, your dream house which becomes one of our inspiration to continue to disseminate or mission, which is to be blessed and to be a blessing to everyone like you!

On-going House and House & Lot Package Construction Projects

As extension of our un-stoppable service to our clients, we have these on-going projects in Menzi’s Orchard in Bukidnon, Morning Mist Village, Pueblo de Oro, Opol, CDO area, Tuscania and Golf Estates areas. These are other projects which we need to accomplish on the right time and on its full amenities. Most of these are two-storey house building and having different concepts and designs. These are:

Mr. & Mrs. Tupaz House Construction Update – Menzi’s Orchard

As our update few months ago ,this house building project is located in Menzi Orchard Residences, Alae, Bukidnon. Just last January; this project had its lot clearing, buhos and architect’s visit. And now, as its more updates:

February 24, 2011- The project had its Foundation for both the first floor and the second floor, as will concreting of its walling. And the visible enduring house structure.

April 28, 2011- The development is more on its on-going structuring as what the photo show:

It is going to be that good and durable house building for the family. As what its concept shows, Tupas family wanted it to be according to their preference and taste of unique architectural touches and ideal ambiance for their entire family members. We will be posting its newest update any time soon.

Edison Lao’s House & Lot Package Construction

Lot Area: 202 s.q.m           Bed Rooms: 4 and 1 study/library room

Floor Area: 175 s.q.m        Toilet & Baths: 3

This is a house construction project only. Mr. Edison acquired this lot already.  The house concept is two-storey, having 4 bed rooms, 3 toilet and baths, living, kitchen, and dining and carport areas. This is in Morning Mist Village area, and has been last April, this year. As of April 04, 2011, here is the development of this project:

The ground breaking has been done; the foundation was being put up, and its on-going structuring is moving forward. For the two months development update, will be posted soon also!

Mosqueda’s Bungalow House Construction in, Opol

If we have those projects somewhere in Balingasag and Bukidnon, we also have another one going to the other side of the road! We have another in here in Cagayan de Oro, mainly in Opol area. It is owned by Felimona Mosqueda. This is a bungalow house construction. Just last April 14, 2011, we had this ground breaking & lot dedication. That was participated by the office team and the church members. The Mosqueda family was also there to witness the dedication. That was to make the construction be done well in accordance of God and the safety for every one in the site, while doing their job.

For the latest update as of June 09, 2011for this project here are the photo:

As what it shows, it is now on its foundation process. This will be finished after three months long, as its maximum targeted time. For sure, this will be having a fast development, with our hard-working and dedicated construction workers, mason, and field engineer with the monitoring of the Homechoice Planners’ team. We will keep this project posted as well, for your convenience!

You may check more photos here Cagayan de Oro Construction!

Tuscania as Our Client Now in Construction!

It has been always our pleasure to serve every client we have. Whatever level, status or class they may be, our service is would stay the same- QUALITY SERVICE. As what everybody knows here in the city of Cagayan de Oro, Tuscania is one of the prestigious developer and that quality in projects making. It is our honor to be trusted and to serve them with all of the best we can. This is a one of the lifetime accomplishment would be in Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation, to show the all equipped workers and extraordinary skill of our architects and office team to prove the strength of the management in making projects possible.

The Tuscania management had given us the opportunity to build their 3 model houses in their own, high end subdivision and that known Italian and quality projects. As of now, we have these update for the projects we have there, which had been started this year. Here are the following: Verona I, Treviso and Verona II.

These projects are located in the subdivision itself in Kauswagan area. For this house unit, this is located in block 3 lot 3. Just last February 05, 2011, we conducted the lot dedication for this project to be started in the name of God. This was participated and led by Valerie Joan E. Garcia, together with the office team and the Homechoice Planners’ construction workers.

Model 1: Verona I Model in Block 9, Lot 12

Lot Area:     137-156 s.q.m.         Bedrooms: 4

Floor Area: 102 s.q.m.                Toilet & Baths: 3

As for the update of this project, here are the photo update as of May 10, 2010

Model 2: Treviso in Block 9 Lot 16

Lot Area:     98.34 s.q.m.                              Bedrooms: 4

Floor Area: 144-156 s.q.m.                         Toilet & Baths: 3

This one is the only single detach unit in Tuscania. This is the second project we have for Tuscania model houses. For its update as of May 09, 2011:

Model 3: Verona II in Block 3 Lot 3

Lot Area:     120-150 s.q.m.                     Bedrooms: 4

Floor Area: 89.20 s.q.m.                         Toilet & Baths: 3

This is the third unit for the model house which we have just started for Tuscania subdivision. This was started also this year. As of May 10, we have this update for this unit:

This is the latest project that is why its development is just that for now. We are looking forward for the great, vital and quality, of course, enhancements for all of these projects we have in the area. We have this view to finish these on time, base on the concept presented by Tuscania and with the guidance of God to each of our workers in the site.

In behalf of the Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation, it is our pleasure to serve you with full ease, dedication, extra endurance and faith to God, to make all of these projects be done on His will!

Almost Done & Recently Done Projects for Turn-over!

As we enter the 2nd quarter of this year, some of our on-going projects are now ready for the turning over to each owner. We are proud to say that after the given time of construction with these projects, those are now realized. Of course, it has been our great pleasure to be part of everyone’s dream house to come true!  Realizing their dream houses is our huge accomplishment as well.

Here are the following projects, which we just will turning-over to our clients:

Mr. & Mrs. Malacks’ two-storey house building

This two-storey house project is situated in Richmond Hills, CDO. As per the owner, Mr. Alejo & Mrs. Bherley Hope Malack, wanted for their house to be look like, we grant it to them! It has now the color-coding 4 bed rooms, accented 3 toilet and baths, wide 2 terraces, a tiled carport and majestic, colorful and joyful ambiance of living, dining, receiving and kitchen areas. We will be turning-over this property to the owner soon!

It is one of our dreams to provide a house that is worth-living and that in good quality; this is another accomplishment for the company. We would like to extend our warmth THANK YOU to the Malack’s family for your laid trust and the most is for your dream, which also became our dream!

Mrs. Felisa Aparente Bungalow House

This is one of our new years’ projects for the 1st quarter.  To give a bit of review for this project, this was started last February.The project is in Golden Glow North, for this one-storey house, which is good only for a 2 bed rooms and toilet and bath.  It is now about to finish and soon to be turned-over to Mrs. Felisa Aparente this month. She has that design and specifications for her house to be, which is that unique!

It is our service to let our every client to have their own design and wants for their dream house to be. Thus, we are responding all of those also to Mrs. Felisa! This is also one of our house and lot construction package. With the 108 s.q.m. lot cut and floor area of 56 s.q.m. For its construction development as of June 01 this year, it is now structured, painted, on its finishing stage and well-prepared flooring’s, ceiling, cabinets, walling and all of its specifications.

This will be turn-over to the owner very soon. We are grateful for this additional success of projects we have, which will complete the 1st quarter’s targeted accomplishments we have for this month of June.

Thank you Mrs. Felisa Aparente and we are looking forward for the turning-over for your property!

Mr. Wilson Bungalow House & Lot Package

We started this project last February this year.  This is in Vista Verde Village, where accessibility and good location for full security, learning institution, are in. The are itself, made Mr. Wilson decided also the most! It is just along the highway going to the airport and to downtown area,plus with the Corpus Christi School, beside the subdivision area. Our targeted month for this one to be done is last month, May. And we deed it to its last stage of finishing and fixtures. Just to bit of review for its specifications, it has this following house concept or specs:

Lot Area: 108 s.q.m                Bed: 3

Floor Area: 56 s.q.m.             Bath: 1

For its house amenities, it has also its dining, kitchen, living and Porch areas. It also has its 14 s.q.m. lanai and pavement. For 3 months of making for this house, it is now on its semi-furnish condition. It has now the tiled flooring, ready toilet and bath and its accented wall, built-in cabinets on its masters and common bed rooms, all of the window glasses and the tiled entrance pathway of the house, as well as the surrounding fence. The owner didn’t choose it to be land escaped; instead, it’s the front fence to cover all of the area of the house. As what we always want it for all of our clients, it will your, or their own will and house preference in all corners of the house to be. That is why we have it CUSTOMIZE house and lot offer for all of you.

Just last month, May 25, we turned-over this property to Mr. Wilson’s sister and brother. We would like to thank you Mr. Wilson for sharing with us in the office, staffs, masons and the rest of the workers under our firm for your brilliant dream. There’s nothing compare for the happiness and gratitude we have, for being part in making your dream coming true!

Mr.  and Mrs. Cotanda’s Two-Storey House Construction Package

Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Ethel Cotanda once extended with us their dream, which is to have adequate house for their own family. They are in the right tract of doing so, as we serve to impart our goodness, hassle free, and quality service and construction performance for every client we have.

They decided this idea of building their house with the customization they laid to us. For the lot area 108 s.q.m. and floor area 130 s.q.m. with 4 bedrooms and 3 toilet & bath, they have this house specs, two-storey house type, having 4 well-painted and well-picked colors, built-in cabinets in all bed rooms, kitchen area, toilet and baths, and a magnificent ambiance inside the house, that speaks the elegance and the done professionalism laid by the all of the personages, who contributed a lot to make this project done very well.

For the information of every body, we turned-over this property to the Cotanda’s family, last March.

From the bottom of our hearts, here in Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation, thank you for the faith and trust you gave us, just for us to prove our real and dedicated service to Cotanda’s family!

Mr. Val Sta Ana Bungalow & Lot Construction Package

The Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation has been a dedicated, transparent and rendering exemplary image and service to all of its valued clients, since the day when it started. Its commendable service has reached to its level of serving the people intentionally. Of course, it means that even those people locally do benefit our service and offered construction package.

One of those remarkable clients we have, who also viewed our service as budget, people and family-oriented, is our very own Sr. Manager Credit Collection & Documentation Mr. Val F. Sta Ana Jr. of Pueblo de Oro. As gathered concept from him for his bungalow house, we have the following information:

Lot Area: 120                        Bedrooms: 2

Floor Area: 70                      Toilet & Bath: 1

Other house amenities: Kitchen, dining, living and carport areas.

This house construction project is situated in Golden Glow North subdivision, Pueblo. It has this corner lot type, which adds beau of it’s newly and well-designed bungalow house building. To have a look of its dates and detailed development updates: The entire Homechoice Planners with the church members and pastor from Assembly of God, dedicated the lot for the house construction dated February 02, 2011.

March 04, 2011- There are construction developments for the house foundation and structure. Its beau was visibly showed. The construction was that fast, accurate, meticulously surveyed, and artistically followed as planned.

May 11, 2011- Finally, this is the final touching of the areas for the house building to be done. The house building itself speaks and shows the ambiance of what a home is. It is now having its perspective view, literally. The paints’ colors in its interior, exterior, fixtures, tiles, accents, cabinets, lightings, doors and window glasses, and the fenced are all installed and in placed.

This house project was turned-over to Mr. Val Sta Ana recently. And we know that it will not be possible without the supervision and will of God, full service and dedication of each construction workers, masons, architect and Homechoice Planners’ office team and of course, the showed trust by you, sir, our valued Sr. Manager Credit Collection & Documentation of Pueblo de Oro  Mr. Val F. Sta. Ana Jr.

In behalf of the whole team of Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation management, we would like to express our gratitude for letting us to partake of what your dream house is for your beloved family. It has always been a pleasure for us to show the best we have, the quality and vitality projects we can build and the promising customization of every house construction or house and lot construction package we can give to you and to all other house building enthusiasts.

Thank you and may this not be the final or  turn-over of your happiness in that newly built house with your family, but may the starting moment of your lively, united and harmonious time with them, as those mixed and acquired HOME spirit of your house!

You may check more photos here House Design Philippines!

Architect’s Outlook

When we talk about design, taste of color or paint, slant, parallel and vertical lines, the term architecture would easily be addressed. This is what makes everything around us be appealing, attractive and with glamour the work and presence of architecture. There would be a slim chance of making our environment captivating, without any of architectural works and ideas. Thus in all offices, schools, residential buildings, commercial buildings and some other buildings or establishments we have in the city, we make sure that those are on a well-prepared, well-planned  and captivating and are in unique designs.

This is what the architecture is working on our day to day activities and living. Thus, even in our housing now a days, and even on our private own house or property, we tend to adopt, or even most, is acquired the real function or beauty of architecture. Of course, this will be realized with the works of minds by our architects. They are the one who make the world of architecture meaningful and to its blast function in all areas.

Here in our city of Cagayan de Oro architects are making our city more gay condition, with those building structures, joint bridges from one side to other side of the area with just, unbreakable and durable design. With their imaginative, constructive and optimistic vision of perceiving the excellent outcome of every city project, our city is now on its booming stage in terms of architectural projects and advancements.

In pertinence with this advancement, we, in Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation, we are one of those beneficent of those excellent and respective architects in Cagayan de Oro City. In all of our projects, we have them lead to visualize our clients’ house ideas or desires. They are the people who make the detailed and big picture of our clients. They are not just mere architects, but degree holder from known Universities, licensed, molded by experience and excellent ideas and boost by all of the done projects by our clients.  They are of what they are ARCHITECTS of the time.

We also have our own office and field engineers. The office engineers is the one who is doing the estimation of the total cost of every project we have, while the field engineers is the one  monitoring and checking all of our projects this time on fields, run smoothly with the right materials and its volume. They help the work done well with full supervision. This is to make sure that all of our clients’ every idea be granted, even during the construction period. This is also to make sure that our architects’ grand ideas will not be wasted and ruined.

We are proud to say that with these people, we can lead to almost perfection of granting our clients’ needs and dreams for their family. As al we know, the house is just the structure of where the family live at. But with us, with our architects and their majestic minds and fascinating visualization of every idea of our needy clients, for their dream house to be, we can build not just merely a house structure, but a HOME for every family we met and would meet.

That is how Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation’s architects’ imagine, plan, visualize and actualize the real house structure for every one here in our city- The essence of making each house the REAL HOME ambiance for every Cagay-anons.

Mr & Mrs. Naval House and Lot Construction Package Update

This project is near about to finish this Friday. As what the owner said, they will be scheduling the house blessing this March, 18, 2011, Friday. Just yesterday, we made a clean up activity on the entire house building to make the newly structured house building. We in the office, with the Homechoice Planners staff, joined together went on the area and enjoyed the total beauty of the newly done project in the office.

We will be turning over this property to the owner soon. We are happy for the service we rendered to the family. Thank you for the laid trust and for counting us of your dream house to be done. It is our pleasure to help you and to provide you the dream house building you longed for.

Congratulations and may the Lord God be with you and your family as you enjoy your newly done house building to live in!