Homechoice Planners Blog

Mr. & Mrs. Sheila Consolacion’s House Construction Update

It has been a month now, when we started this project in Golden Glow Village. So, far, the construction is going well and that on its dynamic improvement up to now. We are having this photo updates for the said project for everybody to see and for the benefit of the owner as well, to view this favorably.

As a review, we started this project last month, July 09. And now, we are on its almost done house structuring. Now, it has the rooms’ partition, living and kitchen areas partition as well. As targeted development, this will be having its roofing this week. Of course, we will be updating you with this!

Mr. & Mrs. Pollard Golf Estate House Construction Project

As we are entering the last month for the second quarter of this year, and as the month of love as well, we are proud to say that great triumphs are really that huge and are now granted to each of us in the business and in our individual living.

For 6 months of constructing this project in Golf Estate area, we are now having this big news of turning-over this unit to the owner. It has been six months of waiting and embellishing this building to be done and to be on its full and complete view according to the ideas and preference of Mr. & Mrs. Pollard.

Its development is now completed and has each room color coding, accented receiving area’s colors, and the spacious living areas and the relaxing aura of the entire house, which would give positive connection of everyone who would be living in this house soon.

As part of its history, Mr. Pollard held its house blessing ceremony just last week, August 08, 2011. Along with this event were the entire office force, the church members and staff and, of course, the Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation’s general manager with the family. There were also those people close to Mr. & Mrs. Pollard’s side and relatives.

The said event was done successfully with the help and the countenance of God. Thus, as always as it is, the project has come to its completion and total quality foundation and physique.  This is another victory that the business would like to thank to all of those people who contributed to this project to be done.

We would like also to thank Mr. & Mrs. Pollard to let us partake and be part of their dream to come true. It has been our pleasure and honor to be the instrument of making your family live happily here in the Philippines soon, through the quality and the right house you need to have for your kin!

Malacks’ Done House Construction Update

For 6 months of constructing this house project in Richmond Hills, it is now perfectly done, with its complete amenities and its interior furnishings. The Malack’s family is now beautifying the entire house for them to transfer on this newly done house they have.

They are the first inhabitants for the said subdivision, and the pioneering family to occupy the very over-looking and enticing area of Richmond Hills. As of now, the family is happy with their full blast prepared things to polish and furnished their newly built house in the area.

It has now its complete blend of colors with its complete things on the right places and the right views. It has now its complete house amenities with its green surroundings and of course, its complete aura of accomplishment with this gay and colorful newly built house by Mr. Alejo & Mrs. Bherley Hope Malack.

In behalf of the Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation staffs and workers, we would like to extend our gratitude to the Malack’s family for making us partake with your dream house and for the ideas you brought to us. And of course, to God to make this project, successfully done and now ready to let the owner’s family celebrate their living on this said house building for the rest of their lives.

Thank you and God Bless!

Mr. Michael & Mrs. Glorie Vyl McMann

“A great house should start with a great foundation”.  This is what must each of us to consider on every project we have. Thus, even our clients do have this concept as well. This is a vital one, so each project we have must stay longer and that long lasting with its condition and taste for the family to live-in.  In Homechoice Planners, we don’t have this good foundation, but a great foundation for the great projects to take.

As a continuation of our ever-preferred house construction option of the most, we have this recently started house and lot construction package project in Vista Verde. This is owned by Mr. Michael & Mrs. Glorie Vyl McMann.  This project has the following amenities: 3 bedrooms, 1 a/v area, 3 toilet & bath, living, dining, receiving areas, lanai, porch and garage. For its dimension, it has 120 lot area and 155 s.q.m. floor area.

The project had its lay-out last month, July 16, 2011. And it’s now on the progress of its construction works. Everybody is invited to follow for its development and photo updates!

Unfolding Options for your home through us, your HOMECHOICE

It has been our pleasure to make your dream come true.  And to help you realized your house longings, is one of our achievements in our day to day activities. In relation to this, we keep on moving, we keep on reaching out arms to hear your concerns. As part of our ways to do that, we just done the legendary exhibit that we, in HomeChoice Planners participated to!

July 28: We started the preparation for the booth to be done for the next day’s big event for the Homechoice Planners’s Exhibit for the year.  Pictures below would tell you the unified efforts and cooperation of our construction workers, office staffs and of course the guidance and wellness of God to our activity.

We started the preparation on this same day at 8 o’ clock in the evening, with the other participants as well. There were the other developers, as well and the construction suppliers, of course, who made the color of all construction transactions and projects.

The experience was satisfying and worth remembering, especially for those workers who did their best and spent time with us, just to be part of this legendary preparation for the choice of every individual who wants their dream house to come true!


Lifting up our level of serving people is a pleasure for us to do. It is our vision to make every client we have to be helped with their individual concern in terms of making their dream house of coming true. Thus, just recently, we participated with the big and third event of group of architects in the city. That was to extend our arms for those people who are not having yet their desired house to be, with the customized design and flexible payment scheme they opt to.

The Philippine Institute of Architects in Cagayan de Oro organized the ARCBEX’ 11 3rd architectural, constructions and building exposition 2011.  The said event was held just last week July 29, 30 and 31st.  Among of the participants of this said big event, we, from Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation did well with the full force in supporting the event with our architect.

The event was held at Lim Ket-Kai Mall for 3 days long. Of course, from the preparation day up to the third day of the exhibit is recorded and documented. I will share those to you with all of the gayness we felt and the total seemed package story on the entire event.

As a proof of our participation, it is our honor to show you this below:

And to extend our gratitude to the organizer of the ARCBEX’11, we would like to thank you for the opportunity and for the laid trust to us, in Homechoice Planners. The experience was great for us, to present to every body and to all of the people, not just those house seekers, but HOME SEEKERS and individual, who longed to have their dream house to be with their own design and own perspective and the flexible payment scheme needed.

Again, a HUGE THANK YOU! And may the architecture world of Cagayan De Oro City would boost to its fullest view!

Mercy Alberastine Interior Works Update

As our first Interior works projects, this house is on its progress this time. We are glad to present the development in La Mirande area. Our main work here is the floor and the built-in cabinets as well.  As of July 14, 2011, we have this update for its interior enhancement.

For now, it has its tiled first floor, with its on-going built-in cabinets that are soon to be done with its paint colors. For its second floor, it is now on its wood tiled flooring and attached built-in cabinets for each bed rooms and the almost are almost done. Soon to be, and a bit of furnishings to be done, this interior works are all well be done.

We will keep on posting for the development of this project and will let all of you know its step by step progress! Or you may LIKE US on facebook!

Soon to be started house projects!

As we already viewed on our latest event in the office, we had started the Mr. & Mrs. Consolacion house and lot construction project in Golden Glow Village. And now, we are proud to spread the news to all of you for our in coming projects in Vista Verde Village, Pueblo. This is a two-storey house project.

Just this Saturday, July 16, 2011, we will be having this ground breaking or lay outing for the said project to be in this area. We will be going to have a complete update for all of you after the event.  Now we already have the complete things to do, and we are prepared already for the event to be done, with the office staffs, architects and the construction workers, who are once again, can partake with this project. Not just that, but to be part of this soon to be started project we have for Mr. Micheal J. Mcman & Glorie Vyl F. Mcmann!

We would like to thank you in advance for your patience, trust and for the belief that we, can, at least, help you to make your dream come true.

Newly Started Bungalow House Project – Mr. & Mrs. Consolacion!

We are now on the month of July, a month of a lot of duties and responsibilities to cater for all of you, our clients. It is always be our pleasure to do so. To add on this month taste, we have this newly started house and lot construction package to share with you! This is also a bungalow house to be in Golden Glow Village, Pueblo. For its details here are the following: 3 bedrooms, 2 toilet & baths, lanai, kitchen and dinning areas then the garage. It is owned by Mr.  & Mrs. Sheila Consolacion. Though they are both abroad, we still can help them to make there dream house to come true, with their relatives here in CDO.As for the update of this 1-storey house they would have:

Friday, July 08, 2011, we had the lay out for their area. And this morning, July 09, 2011 (Saturday), we conducted the lot dedication and for the on-going house construction.

This was participated with the Assembly of God church people, with Pastor Elfie and, of course we, from Homechoice Planners team and those people behind the construction works.

We would like to thanks to the Laguican and Consolacion family members, who attended also the dedication. They were all so participative and visibly happy with the location we offered.

From the depth of our heart, from Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation, we would like to thank you Mr. Elrie and Mrs. Sheila Consolacion for sharing with us your dream house! It is our duty to serve you with the best we can, and it is our pleasure to make your  dream house to be done accordingly.

Mr. & Mrs. Morre’s House & Lot Update

A new day for a new beginning for this new look of Mr. & Mrs. Morre’s house! On our last update, we showed you the development of this house construction project we have in Morning Mist Village, Pueblo. And now, we are glad to show you more and give you more colorful, more phases of good structural development of this house and lot construction package we have!

As of July 05, 2011, we have these update for this house project. It has now the complete paintings and the each room or area color/s, which the owner preferred with, the complete house design structure, and the complete embellishing of detail it needs. It has now the lights, water, complete and elegantly in- placed tiles, accented beau of each toilet and bath, as well as the ceilings- and the most catchy one, its Chandeliers!

The entire house now is that appealing and wonderfully made with its colorful accent of paints and its mixed architectural aura. Soon to be, the glasses are will be installed and it will be done with its landscape on the outside phase of the property.

We are proud to announced, with the owners’ expected date to move-in as well- Friday 08, 2011. With a bit of decorations and proper placement of  their things to be, the house we build, is will be a good and reputable HOME for the Morre family to be.

As we always utter, we build, not just a house, but a HOME for every one of you!

See you on the blessing day for this project!