
Golden Glow Village Project: Soon to Construct!

golden-glow-village-groundbreakingSeptember 2012 – the last time that HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation was able to complete a project at Golden Glow Village. And now, it’s time to say hello to Golden Glow Village as HPCC is back.

This soon to be constructed house at Golden Glow Village is one of the new projects of HPCC for this year 2013. It’s a two-storey modern designed residential house; making it one of HPCC’s conceptualized complex houses. This project is a 120 square meter house that will be built in a 112 square meter lot area. With its 120 square meter floor area, it is really a big and spacious house because of the maximized floor area.

But of course, as what our company always do before constructing a house; we conduct first a groundbreaking and lot dedication service. And last March 23, 2013, the mentioned ceremony was held. Together with the Lagmay and Lupo family, we dedicated their lot to the Lord Almighty. It is but right that everything we do, we offer it to Him as He is the owner and provider of everything. In building of this house, it is just right that we seek and ask for God’s blessing for the success of the project. With His blessing, we are assured that He will guide and protect all the people that surrounds in this project.

Construction of this project will start soon and both the family and HPCC are excited for this. Updates can be checked on our website and facebook pages. We’ll keep you posted!

Company-Clientele hand-in-hand bring Fruitfulness

hand-in-hand-homechoiceWhen does a plant begin to bear fruit? Study of the plant life reveals that fruit-bearing is the inevitable result when a plant is well-nourished. Fruition happens when each part of a plant is as full as the others, and an overflow of vitamins and minerals has nowhere to go but express as a fruit.

Homechoice Planners, an active player in real estate development in Cagayan de Oro, values human resource development. We believe that good workmanship which spells good delivery of our construction projects can only be expected when our people are well- taken cared of. Taking care includes skills upgrading, updated facilities, functional systems flow, personnel support mechanisms, and character development. Some setbacks may be experienced at times but only to refocus on what is most important to be able to realize the company goal – a comfortable home our clients can showcase and our workers can be proud of. Productivity is built and nourished on camaraderie, accountability, and mutual trust among the administration, the human resource and the clients.

We are grateful to our clients or would-be clients: we are in business because you trust us in helping you realize your dream of home- the main plant of our partnership . But the story does not stop there…As offshoot to the delivery of your well-built houses, TOGETHER WE ARE PROVIDING JOBS to construction workers and MAKING IMPACT to the community by their EMPOWERED FAMILIES. What fruits could be better than these?

Project 3 at Pueblo Golf Estates

groundbreaking-g-e-proj-3Here’s a house construction that HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation will soon be realizing; another project that will be included in the company’s list of achievements and another family’s dream that is soon to be fulfilled.

This house construction is HPCC’s first project for the year 2013. The company is blessed for this new project because it’s going to be built in one of the city’s high end subdivision; Pueblo Golf Estates. And as part of the services that we always render to our new clients, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication was conducted. The ceremony happened last Saturday, March 9, 2013. Of course, the CDO FAOG church was the one who ministered the service since the company and church has been partners for years now.

Full swing construction will be happening soon and we just can’t wait for it to start. The family is sure eager to see their house done in 6 months time. And HPCC is also excited for this new construction as this would be one of the company’s prides; that is using the Plaswall Building System. Updates on this new project will be posted as soon it starts. Until then!

Fired up!

fire-drill-homechoiceHomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation takes part in the Fire Prevention celebration. In line with this month’s celebration, HPCC has invited some guests from the city’s Fire Department office. It is to give the construction workers lectures and drills on how to prevent a fire and kill it if in case you’re caught up in an emergency situation.

Last March 11, 2013, three officers from the Fire Department discussed to the workers all that there is to know about fire. Officer Te, the first to stand in front, talked about the definition of fire; including its classes and composition. He also discussed to the workers the different categories of fire in which it gives us insight on how to respond and stop the fire depending on its type. Officer Te shared ways on how to prevent and stop fire; in which he included the proper use of the fire extinguisher.

fire-prevention-homechoiceThe next officer to talk was Officer Salvana, wherein he showed the workers an organizational structure of the volunteer fire brigade and explained the importance of it. Reflected on this structure are the designated people responsible when emergency situation arises. These people have different tasks needed to fulfill when fire breaks out. After the organizational structure topic, Officer Baang took over the stage and shared some additional information.

When the officers finished their lecture, the fun and exciting part started; fire drill. The workers were much cooperative in the said drill, showing enthusiasm by volunteering in the demonstration. The officers demonstrated to the workers the right way of putting out a fire using wet cloth and fire extinguisher. The workers definitely learned a lot from the lecture and drill. They are sure fired up when faced in an emergency situation. Joint Service Planners and Construction Corporation that church on Monday; for short, is a bible study service done every Monday to the construction workers and admin of the company. For years now, bible study services between the construction workers and admin has been done separately; the workers at the warehouse and the admin in the main office.

But for this year, it has been decided for the bible study service between workers and admin be as one. The joint bible study service started yesterday, March 11, 2013. Along with this joint service is a change in the program flow. It is not the usual flow anymore, wherein the pastoral staff and members of the CDO First Assembly of God church would lead the service. Starting yesterday, each workers’ team, including the HPCC admin and RPM Realty marketing officers were assigned a date to lead in the services. In this way, the admin and construction workers were given an opportunity not just to sit down and listen to the service but to be a part of it.

bible-study-service-homechoiceThe first team to lead in the joint bible study service was the structural team. Each members of the team were designated to do the opening prayer, welcome song, testimonies, scripture reading, offering and so on. The structural team did a good job in leading the service, encouraging other teams to do the same or even better.

The management is glad with these changes done in the service because it will not only help the staff and workers to be a good follower of the word of God; but it will also mould them to be a good leader and sharer of the word. All glory and praises to God!

Your Home. Your Refuge.

house-blessing-xavier-estatesHPCC or HomeChoice Planners and Construction Coporation has been building houses for almost eight years now. And every time we realize someone’s dream house, we make sure that it is not only houses that we build but also a home.

Before we start a certain project, we let our clients sign a contract first; indicating the duration of the project and other important matters. But as soon as the project is over and we have turned over the house to its rightful owner, our services doesn’t end there. Upon establishing rapport with our clients, they have automatically become a part of our family.


As an addition to our growing family, the project that we are about to end our contract with in Xavier Estates conducted their house blessing last February 24, 2013. Though the house is not yet 100% complete, the family decided to dedicate the house already. The said ceremony was attended by the relatives and friends of the owner; and it was ministered by the CDO FAOG church members.

The said project just needs little finishing touches then it’s ready for turn-over. But right after the turn-over, HPCC’s services doesn’t stop here. We ensure that our company is our client’s refuge when they have concerns. We are their home, their extended family when they needed one. Show to our clients that HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is their home and their refuge.

Plaswall Building System: A New Innovation

plaswall-building-systemA new technology is making its way here in Cagayan de Oro City. It is an innovation that is surely a big factor in the construction field. It’s a first here in the City of Golden Friendship; and we at HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is definitely taking part of this new innovation.

HPCC proudly introduces the Plaswall Building Technology. This system offers a quality building product that uses locally manufactured Hardiflex fiber cement sheet. Plaswall Building System started here in the Philippines around 2000 and with its great quality, it has long expanded to other cities here in our country. Other countries abroad such as Abu Dhabi, Australia, India, Qatar, Jordan, Oman and Bahrain also uses this kind of technology in building structures.

Our company offers this new and faster system in building structures. And we are proud to say that we are the first to use and market this new technology in Cagayan de Oro City. Plaswall is a unique fibrocement that replaces costly steel aluminum and plywood formworks. It produces a complete load bearing wall with a complete rendered finish. And it requires significantly lower skilled labor to build high quality concrete homes and buildings. Also, this kind of system is effective to use in constructing houses, schools, high rise buildings and landscape structures.

plaswall-homechoiceFor developers and builders, Plaswall Building System gives a great deal of benefit. For one, it has fast clean method of building that is twice as fast as the traditional way; ensuring buyers and clients a predictable deliver time of home. It is prefabricated to order, so wastages are minimized. It’s easy to use and learn for conventional builders; with guaranteed high quality of finish. Compared to the conventional way, Plaswall has durable finish that minimizes reworks and repairs. Also, it has higher earthquake and typhoon resistance. Other advantages of using Plaswall Technology are as follows:

  • higher Assessed value by banks and agency such as Pagibig making securing of end user finance easier and faster
  • AITECH approved building system (as required by GSIS and PAGIBIG)
  • equivalent on cost to conventional building (most cases lower)
  • higher quality buildings producing higher customer satisfaction resulting in higher sales and better loan collection rate.
  • Higher quality without higher cost (sales and marketing advantage)
  • shorter build times reduces project management and finance costs (2nd tier cost savings)
  • uniform quality of building regardless of number of contractors used
  • complies with Phil. National Building Code, British, American and Australian Building Codes

plaswall-finished-homechoiceThe very first project that has used the Plaswall Building System here in Cagayan de Oro City can be found in one of the high end subdivisions here; and that is in Xavier Estates. The said project was constructed by our company and we couldn’t be more grateful for its outcome. Indeed, the building process is faster and results are of great quality. Plaswall Building System is definitely rocking the construction business. Kudos!

Health Awareness for HPCC Workers

HCP-medical-examWe are fully aware how important health is; how vital it is to have a healthy mind and body. A healthy person can think and function well, thus, this makes them productive throughout the day.

Nowadays, being physically fit and healthy is a must when it comes to work or even finding a job. In every company that you apply or work in, they now require medical examination to see that you are fit for the job. It’s not only the credentials that they see but your health as well. Of course, they wanted to make sure that the certain person they have given the job is not only a responsible one but a healthy being as well.

Every company requires these medical examinations to their workers to ensure clients that they have a healthy environment. Knowing that these days, a lot of contagious disease are spreading out, being health conscious is just important. Of course, the company wouldn’t want to be the reason of spreading contagious diseases. For a company to be strong, the workers should be strong as well.

construction-workers-medical-examAs for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation, the company started these medical examinations for the workers last year. With the company’s new advocacy and that is to be health conscious, yearly medical examinations were implemented. This health advocacy is not only for the company’s benefits but for the workers’ welfare as well. Undergoing all the tests will result to the workers’ awareness of their own health. If they are aware of their health status then they would definitely be more conscious of practicing healthy habits. They would clearly know the things that are good or bad to their health. As what they always say, “Prevention is better than cure.”

The said medical examination took place last February 11, 2013 in the company’s warehouse. Supposedly, the tests was scheduled to do in the morning only but due to the workers’ overwhelming number it turned out to be a whole day activity. We were glad to see that the workers obligingly took all the exams including Drug test, CBC test and Xray exam.

It was a successful activity and we thank the workers for their cooperation. And this medical examination is not the only health advocacy activity that we will be having. Expect more health related activities to come. Until then!

A New Abode

plaswall-house-blessingCheers! This is for the family who’s now staying in their new house built by HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. The cheer is also extended to the company for the success in building the house using the Plaswall Building System.

This newly done house at Xavier Estates house was the first project of HomeChoice Planners that has used the Plaswall Technology. It’s a first here in Cagayan de Oro City and our company is proud of it. As you can see, the finished product of this new innovation that the company has ventured, is now standing proudly in one of the city’s high end subdivision; Xavier Estates.

Along with the company’s successful work is turning the family’s dream into realization; as they have transferred to their new humble abode. With this, a house blessing was conducted by the family. The said ceremony was conducted last February 8, 2013. It was a lunch event and invited were the relatives and friends of the family as well as the company’s staffs and the church who ministered the service; CDO First Assembly of God church that was headed by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon and Ptr. Walter Richie.

plaswall-homechoiceAt the end of the service, the owner of the house went up front and gave a short speech, thanking our company for the services that we have given to them. HomeChoice Planners is of course overwhelmed with the gratefulness that the family has shown to the company. It’s also our pleasure to be helping and working with the family. And it’s a privilege for us to be able to make their dreams come true. Because that’s what our company aims to do; turning your dream house into reality. Congratulations to the family for their new abode!

New Home for New Year

xe-proj-4-house-blessingFor the family who owns the now finished Xavier Estates Project 4 house, year 2013 is indeed a remarkable year for them. Their long wait is over as the said project is in its complete state already.

With this accomplishment, the family has conducted a house blessing service last January 27, 2013. It is but right to offer this great gift to the Lord Almighty for He is the creator and owner of everything. Wanting to share their excitement and happiness, the family invited their relatives and close friends. The HomeChoice Planners staffs and CDO First Assembly of God members were there as well to congratulate the family. Ptr. Lloyd Yana of CDO FAOG church was the one who preached in the ceremony. Cheers and congratulations to the family! Thank you for entrusting HPCC to build your dream house.

house-blessing-xe-proj-4It is just fulfilling to see that HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has made yet another family’s dream come into realization. The company is in glee as well seeing that one family is happy and satisfied with the turnover of the house. Just a smile and positive comments from our clients is worth the pay for all of our efforts in building their house.

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is giving their best shot in every projects that their work on. They work real hard because they wanted to gain the satisfaction that the clients want with their house. The company does not only rely with its own knowledge and abilities but they get it from God as well. God is the sole and main foundation of the company that is why we are so grateful for all of the things that He has given to the company. All glory and honor to God!