
City Planning Seminar

city-planning-seminarLast February 14, the City Planning Development Office in collaboration with the Subdivision and Housing Development Association or SHDA, Inc. conducted a whole day seminar at Deluxe Hotel. The seminar was refresher training on Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) devolved functions in the processing and approval of subdivision application. The said meeting was attended by different property developers and contractors of Cagayan de Oro City. People in the real estate business and representatives of different organizations were present also.

Different offices and organizations of the government joined in the seminar. Each of the government offices and organizations had its own representative. To name a few, Architect Erlinda Nuval of the Office of the Building Official and Mr. Apolinar Banaag of the Department of Agrarian Reform were representatives from their respective offices. Various topics has been discussed in the event such as titling of the subdivision lots and processing period, conversion requirements and processing period, subdivision guidelines and a lot more interesting topics.

city-planning-seminar-oscar-morenoDuring the seminar, we were graced by the presence of our City Honorable Mayor Oscar Moreno and Vice Mayor Ian Acenas. It is said that for the first time, both the mayor and vice mayor were together in an event. It is such a privilege for us to have been able to see them together in one place. The mayor and vice mayor had the opportunity also to express their plans and desires for the city’s prosperity.

It was a great pleasure for us to have been able to attend the seminar. Questions have been answered during the open forum and clarifications have been made also. We, the attendees have learned a lot from the refresher training. Cheers to the organizers of the event. Looking forward for more seminars like this.

Overflowing Year

homechoice-xmas-party-2013Year 2013 is indeed a year full of blessings for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. It has been a year with overflowing blessings for the company. This year has opened new opportunities for the company. It gave HPCC the privilege to venture into new projects like constructing school and commercial buildings. Aside from these new ventures, residential projects were also in store for the company.

With the amazing projects that the company has been receiving this year, it has been decided that it is time to honor all of these blessings. Last December 23, HPCC celebrated its Christmas party with the theme of “Overflowing Goodness and Love”. With the abundant blessings that the company has received, conducting the said party was HPCC’s way of giving back to the people who have great contribution in the company’s success. Because HPCC was blessed, the company also wants to be a blessing unto others.

retro-christmas-party-2013The party was a whole day event held at Dynasty Court hotel. HPCC workers and staff came to the party wearing their best retro attire. It was such a fun event because of the full packed program. The said party had a two part program; as part one of the program, words of encouragement from Pastor Elpie Taboclaon of CDO First Assembly of God church was shared to the workers and staff of HPCC. It’s a way of inspiring the attendees with the word of God. Indeed, a lot has learned from what Pastor Elpie has shared.

And so after the fellowship, the part two of the program comes. The much awaited Christmas presentations were then performed in the second part of the program. The workers and staff showcased their talents in singing and dancing. They also showed their creative skills by displaying their parols made out of recycled materials. And with this, congratulations to all the winners! You know who you are. Aside from the presentations, raffle and door prizes were in store also for the attendees. At the end of the party, everyone went home happily bringing something to their family.

parol-making-chistmas-party-2013The party held serves as a closing event for the year. And because it was an overflowing year for HPCC, the party was indeed a blast. Everyone had fun and have something to thank for. Cheers to everyone who took part in the success of the party. Kudos to us!

Kiddie Super Christmas Party

superhero-christmas-partyGrowing up, we are fond of watching cartoons and movies with superhero themes. We tend to portray our favorite superhero character that we like and play with other kids. As a kid, there were times that we imagine that we have super powers and do things like fly and teleport. Pretending to be Batman, Superman, Captain America and Wonder Woman are just some of the famous superhero characters that kids mimic.

To experience an extra ordinary Christmas Party, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation conducted a party last December 20 for the staff and workers’ kids with a theme of “Super Christmas Kiddie Party”. It was a whole day party at Philam-Life Village clubhouse with a two part program; part one of the program was all about fellowship. In the said fellowship, the children were grouped according to their age bracket. The mothers and guardians of the children had a separate fellowship also. Pastoral staff of CDO FAOG church was there also as they were the ones who kiddie-xmasled in the fellowship. In line with the party’s theme, they taught the attendees who the real and true superhero is. And that superhero is none other than Jesus Christ. Being the son of God, He alone can do great miracles; nothing is impossible with Him. And what has made Him a great hero? He gave us salvation by saving us from all of our sins. Isn’t He a true superhero? Indeed He is!

Part two of the program was all about the food, games and fun fun fun. Puppet shows, photo booth and bouncing house were prepared for the kids. For food, there were unlimited popcorn and ice cream. Before they went home, gifts were also given to the kids and also the mothers. It was really a fun filled party. The attendees went home happily and packed with learning from the fellowship. In behalf of HPCC, our sincerest gratitude to the kids and the mothers for participating in the event. Their participation made the event a success. Happy Christmas to us!

New Quarter. New Projects.

groundbreaking-homechoiceAs we enter into a new quarter, new projects are in store also for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. For this month of October, HPCC was able to close two new projects. And before the company will start building a new project, groundbreaking and lot dedication are to be conducted first.

The first project conducted its groundbreaking last October 8 at Xavier Estates’ Phase 1; while the second project was held last October 11 at Pueblo de Oro’s Philam-life Village. These two new projects are both having two-storey designs which were drawn by our in-house architects. The projects were customized and uniquely designed according to the owner’s desires. With this, HPCC has yet new projects to be included in the company’s portfolio of using the Plaswall Technology.

Since the start of using the Plaswall Building System, the construction of residential and commercial buildings has indeed become faster. There is an on-time delivery and turn-over of the finished project. And with these two new projects, the clients are assured that their dream house can be turned-over according to their planned date.

We at HPCC would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the families who have chosen us to be the builder of their home. Thank you for entrusting us your dreams. For updates and developments of these projects, you can check out our posts here in our website or in our facebook page. Until then!

HPCC joins in the Housing Fair

housing-fair-2013HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has took part in the housing fair that was held last September 27 to 29 at Lim Ket Kai center. The said exhibit was conducted and collaborated by varied housing organizations of this city. To name a few; HUDCC, HLURB and Shda, Inc. are some of the organizations that have led the exhibit.

The housing fair was a three day exhibit wherein different developers, suppliers and company have joined. In the three day housing fair, the participants have displayed and endorsed the products that they venture. Aluminum booths were provided by the organizers where the sponsors can promote their products.

During the exhibit’s opening, we were privileged to see our country’s Vice President in person. VP Jejomar Binay was the event’s guest of honor and it was a pleasure for us to see him up close. Together with our VP, other important persons and guests were present also in the opening ceremony of the housing fair.

We thank the organizers of the event for it was a successful one. Thank you for inviting our company because with this event, we were able to further promote and advertise the services we offer. Kudos to the organizers of the event!

Receiving Jesus Christ: The Water Baptism

water-baptism-homechoice-2013“How beautiful are the feet of those of who bring good news.” – Romans 10:15

Spreading the good news is what has always been the mission of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation since it has started its bible study service five years ago. The company’s head, Mr. Robinson P. Masangcay in collaboration with CDO First Assembly of God church has used their beautiful feet in sharing the good news to the workers. And thru their beautiful feet, many have heard of the word and have received Jesus Christ in their life.

Last September 7, the company sponsored a water baptism service that was held at Marvilla Beach Resort. HPCC was overwhelmed with the number of workers that have decided to receive Jesus Christ. It’s a fulfillment for the company to see that a lot of people have been blessed with God’s word. With this, the company is more driven to continue their mission in spreading the word of God.

homechoice-water-baptism-2013In HPCC’s five years of conducting bible study service, it is such an overwhelming experience for the company to see that within those years, the workers have submitted their lives in serving the Lord. They have seen the grace of God and have realized that life is indeed more meaningful with Jesus Christ in it.

Our feet are essential part of our body as it brings us to places wherever we want to go. But what could make these feet more essential and beautiful? It is by using it for the glory of God. While we use it to walk through many places, we can as well use it to minister and spread the good news which is the word of the Lord. Indeed, beautiful are those feet that bring the good news.

A Night at Primavera Residences

mass-wedding-2013-primaveraIn line with the mass wedding celebration of HPCC last August 26, the company has collaborated with Primavera Residences to give one of the newlyweds a very special wedding gift. And what could be the special gift that you can give to the newlywed – a honeymoon treat!

Prior to the mass wedding ceremony, HPCC had already chosen a couple for the overnight stay at Primavera Residences by draw lots. The chosen couple was then announced during the reception. It was a priceless moment for the chosen couple as they were so grateful for the treat that they have received. After the wedding ceremony, staff of HPCC then accompanied the couple to their destination.

primavera-mass-wedding-homechoicePrimavera Residences is known for being the first eco-friendly building in the city. Its features and amenities are great factors to attract prospect buyers. And to further promote their project, they have opened their doors for those who want to experience the lifestyle of condo living even for just a night. With this offer, it was a privilege for those chosen couple to have a taste of living in a condominium. The honeymoon treat was indeed a special one as they finally had a time off from work and just for themselves.

The couple stayed in a 1 bedroom fully furnished unit of Primavera Residences. Inclusive of their stay is a swim in the condominium’s salt chlorine pool and a breakfast at Jeannette’s Pizza. The couple really enjoyed with their stay at Primavera Residences. They had fun and a great time also.

HPCC is again glad to be a part of the couple’s wonderful experience. Thanks to Primavera Residences for they have been a big part also for this amazing treat to the newlywed couple. Cheers to all of us!

Exchanging Vows

homechoice-planners-mass-wedding-2013For the fourth time in a row, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has yet again conducted another mass wedding for its workers. The said wedding was held last August 26 at CDO First Assembly of God church.

This year, four couples from the company and one couple who were members of the church joined in the said holy matrimony. Five couples stood in front of the altar and have said their I do’s. These couples came to a decision to finally tie the knot and settle down for good. The wedding was officiated by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, the senior pastor of CDO FAOG. Ptr. Walter Richie, Ptr. Roger Ruiz and Ptr. Lloyd Yana were present also during the event. The staff and workers of HPCC were there as well to show their support to the couples and witness as they have exchanged vows.

mass-wedding-2013-homechoiceAfter the wedding ceremony, reception then followed and it was held in the same venue. The venue was filled with cheers and applause as the attendees teased the newlywed couples during the partaking of the cake and drinking of wine. August 26 is indeed a remarkable day for the couples. It’s a moment that would be cherished forever as it was the day that they have promised God of their vows; that till death will do they part.

HPCC is indeed glad to see that once again the company was able to be a part in fulfilling its workers dreams. It’s a privilege for us to be a blessing to other people’s lives. Cheers to all those who have contributed and participated for the success of the ceremony. Congratulations and best wishes to the newlyweds!

The Graduation: John Maxwell Seminar

john-maxwell-seminarVolume Three of John Maxwell’s Leadership notebook has come to its conclusion. The renowned train the trainers’ seminar has concluded its last notebook last August 1 and 2. The volume three training module of John Maxwell’s leadership lessons are composed of six notebooks. In each notebook, specific topics about leadership are discussed in there.

For the first time, the said Leadership Training was held at CDO First Assembly of God Church. The venue was filled with delegates that came from different cities of Visayas and Mindanao. And once again, the HPCC staff and RPM Realty agents had the opportunity to participate in the said leadership seminar. Like all the attendees, the HPCC staff and RPM Realty agents were equipped again with lessons that would grow and mould them as future leaders.

maxwell-training-seminarIn the seminar, we were graced again with the presence of Mr. Steve Miller and a new speaker namely Dr. Rob McCleland. Each lesson in the notebook was discussed well by the aforementioned speakers. The speakers were great motivators as they are great leaders in their own business and country. One law of leadership that has struck to us was the Law of Legacy. It taught us that legacy is created only when a leader positions his organization to do great things without the leader himself. The law of legacy is the leader’s lasting value measured by succession. Other laws has also left a great impact on all of us; for one is the law of timing wherein it taught us that when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.

The one and a half day seminar was a great one indeed. We got to learn a lot of things from it; lessons that would definitely be useful in training future leaders. This seminar might be the end of Volume 3 but we’ll surely wait for EQUIP to conduct another training for the next volume. And we just can’t wait for the next million leaders mandate training. Until then!

HPCC goes Retro

retro-monday-homechoiceEvery Monday, HPCC workers gather at the company’s warehouse for the weekly bible study and fellowship. This fellowship has been the company’s practice for almost five years now. And just recently, another activity has been included in the Monday fellowship of the company.

Retro Monday – is what we call with the newly added activity. This certain activity started last July 15, where in songs and videos from the 70’s and 80’s are shown to the workers. And from those videos shown, they will follow the steps and dance in the tune of retro songs. This activity serves as an early morning exercise for the workers.

This Retro Monday dance exercise has been practiced for two weeks now and it sure helped the workers in unleashing their dancing prowess. It did not only help them in boosting their confidence, it has also helped them with their fitness and health. We do all know that health is wealth and another way of achieving this is thru exercising. And dancing is one of those exercises.

HPCC conducted this kind of activity in preparation also for the upcoming December event; that as early as now, the workers are already exposed to all the retro stuff. And with this, they will be ready as ever when the event will come. Here’s to a healthy living – kudos!