
COLOR: The Smile of Nature

Colors play an important part in our lives. Colors can manipulate the way we think, act, and react. It can also affect our mood, whether it can soothe our eyes or irritate it, trigger the raise of blood pressure or calmly cradle us to sleep. Color is one of the most fulfilling elements in our lives.

Color is one of the first things we notice when walking into a room. From floor to ceiling, the color of the room reflects our style and personality. It is also a personal statement about what a home means.

White- White colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter.

Black- Black colors are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance. Experts suggest that black is best used in small doses

Red- Raises the energy level of the room. Red draws people together and stimulates conversation. Red is a good choice for a dining room or living room, where people tend to gather. It is also been suggested that looking at the color red can increase one’s pulse, heart rate and blood pressure.

Yellow- perfect color for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms because it captures the joy of sunshine and stimulates happiness.

Blue- is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. One must avoid using dark blue because it stimulates sadness and it adds a gloomy effect of the room.

There are different colors around us; it is up to you to decide on what colors is to be painted in your home. Mixing different colors adds different effects. We at Homechoice Planners Construction Corporation can help in making that “effect”.

Benefits of a single-story house and a two-story house

When it comes to choosing the perfect home, such thing as “one type fits all” does not exist.
One must carefully consider their budget, the location, the neighbors, and the type of house itself.

Bungalows or a one-story house are very convenient for the homeowner because all the rooms are on the same floor and there are no stairs between living areas. A bungalow is well suited to persons with impaired mobility, such as the elderly or those in wheelchairs.

Single-story benefits
+ more options for ceiling heights & skylights
+ more living space since you don’t need to spend square footage on staircase
+ safer for small children & easier for older people or physically challenged individual
+ easier to evacuate in case of a fire
+ no noise from stairs & second story traffic
+ less bathrooms needed since all are on same floor
+ can combine dirty kitchen with laundry area

A two story house is ideal in dividing the entertaining areas of the house which is on the first floor from the bedrooms on the second. A two story house is well-suited in a suburban settings or lots that are located in ridge area to fully appreciate the views.

Two-story benefits
+ more breath taking views than a one-story house
+ smaller foundation and roof area
+ upstairs bedrooms have more privacy
+ upstairs windows are safe to leave open
+ less roof to maintain, less distance for pipes and wires to travel
+ good exercise running up and down stairs every day!

Whether moving in a one-story or a two story house, as long as you and your family are happy and satisfied, then you have successfully added a beautiful chapter in the story of your life.

Turning Over of Property

Turn-over is the term used during the final stages of the construction phase. This is when the client takes control of the finished product. In order to assure smooth turn-over’s, there must be a complete fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the contract.

Ideally, the client or his SPA must finalize a series of activities that include confirming the property, completing the promotional activities and sale agreements. There must be a finalized move-in plan as well as a schedule for the unit inspections. Insurance, mail delivery, and garbage collection must already be in place. Inspecting and testing of the security systems must also be done before the turn over happens.

During the turn-over, Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation (HPCC) provides the client with all the keys to the completed project. HPCC also hands over the “as-built” drawings to the project. HPCC also hands over any excess building material that was not fully used but in some cases, the client may choose to return the materials back to the contractor. Warranties can vary in different areas or territories. It is best to sit down and discuss warranty with the contractor as well as the developer. Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation warranty period runs about one year. And before any warranty period expires, our architect together with other appropriate consultants should be able to inspect the building to prepare a warranty report.

Careful understanding as to how the turn-over process needs to be done before any other activity.

Why Choose Homechoice Planners?

The construction industry is slowly making its way into a full blown industry here in the Philippines. More and more construction agencies are booking jobs everywhere in the country. But, there is one agency that has proven to be the cream of the crop. Homechoice Planners is the name of the firm. But why choose Homechoice Planners especially when it comes to CDO realty?

  1. The firm caters to everyone who has the need for top notch interior designing needs. The firm also knows the need to have high quality results hence interior designers know full well that working with Homechoice Planners can get the job done in time without compromising the quality of the result.
  2. Homechoice Planners also has a wide array of top quality architects who bring their A game to the table when it comes down to business. Expect knowledgeable architects who know what their clients want with the help of their skills.
  3. Expect state of the art technology when it comes to working with Homechoice Planners. These technology will be incorporated to every project that the client needs such as the New Building Innovation Technology wherein it has been used in different highly developed countries like Australia, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and more. Years ago, such technology would not be applicable here in the Philippines yet alone in Cagayan de Oro but now, Homechoice Planners are up-to-date with the modern technologies that are being used worldwide today.

With that, there is no reason not to choose Homechoice Planners for your construction needs in Cagayan de Oro City.

How To Choose The Right Construction Company

The construction industry has made its way down south in Cagayan de Oro City. The city of friendship has been one of the most outstanding sites for construction of future landmarks in the country such as commercial buildings albeit residential ones. When talking about the construction industry and the companies that it caters, choosing the right construction management for CDO realty is crucial. Here are some tips on how to choose the right construction company.

  • In the metro, there are a lot of construction company to choose from but what separates the good one from the best? It’s the reputation a company makes through the quality of service they make. Make sure that you know what type of work they have done in the past. You can check the area yourself and see what the people have to say.
  • Ask yourself how do they manage changes in the plan. A construction firm must be flexible enough to manage any type of changes as well as alert you of the changes made to the plan. With regards to planning, a firm must be able to manage the process as smoothly as possible. Dissemination of information must also be done in a quick manner.
  • Confirm licensing. Of course, no client would want to work on a construction firm that does not have the legal basis to conduct any business. Your construction management company should be licensed under the jurisdiction that requires it hence you should demand for any license.
  • Safety is also a must for construction companies. If safety is one of their key goals and they have a track record of providing safety to both the company and the contractors as well as the client that work on the project, then they are a good company to work with.

Good thing all of these are found in HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation.

How the Construction Industry Greatly Affects The Economy of the Country

One might wonder how the housing construction industry in the Philippines directly affect the entire economy of the country. The answer is quite simple. It directly affects the country through the job opportunities that the industry provides. An entire company of construction workers who are armed with skills are hired to build a certain infrastructure by a local firm. It will take months or even years for the structure to be completed hence the workers will have a stable job for its entire duration. Upon that point, the workers can provide well therefore boosting the economic trades within the local area. The firm itself also greatly affects the economy. More and more investments are being signed once the industry flourishes hence more jobs for the workers. This cycle will continue as long as the quality of work and the result of the project is marked without mediocrity. In short, the more projects that come, the more workers get paid. When workers get paid, they provide a steady income which later on boosts the economy of the country. Once the economy flourishes, more projects become readily available and the cycle never ceases to stop.

This is why many people often see a lot of residential houses being built in key cities such as Manila, Cebu, Davao, and Cagayan de Oro as of late. The construction industry is flourishing all over the country. With the help of cheap materials and readily available manpower, the country has what it takes to strengthen the construction industry. This is also why you often see many companies opting to build residential sites since the construction industry is on the rise.

The new Vista Verde Village Project

vista-verde-village-groundbreakingIt’s the first month of the second quarter and HPCC is happy to introduce its newest project in Vista Verde Village. This project is another two-storey residential building of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. It is another modern designed house of HPCC; and it was designed by one of our in-house architects and now an inclusion to the company’s portfolio of customized design houses.

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is already a household name in Vista Verde Village. With the many houses that the company has built in the said subdivision, one can already see the HPCC trademark in each of the houses built in the subdivision. And now, another house is set to construct in Vista Verde Village. As part of the construction process, groundbreaking and lot dedication was held last 8th of April. The family, staffs and members of the FAOG church who have ministered the service were present in the ceremony.

vista-verde-village-homechoice-projectIt has been a tradition for HPCC to conduct a groundbreaking ceremony first as this is a way of thanking the Lord for the new project that He has given to the company. It is also a way of acknowledging the Lord’s presence and guidance in everything that we do. Everything in this world is owned by the Lord and it is but right that a blessing from Him is important before starting a project.

HPCC is excited to start this project and the family is eager as well to see the realization of their dream house. Thank you to the family for trusting the company’s service in making their dream house possible. Updates will be posted as soon as the construction of the house starts. Until then!

Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication: Project Sta. Cecilia

sta.-cecilia-grounbreakingAs a company that continually grows, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has yet another project that will work into. For the first time, HPCC was able to close a residential project at Sta. Cecilia Subdivision.

This project at Sta.Cecilia Subdivision which is located at Gusa is a two-storey residential building. With its modern design, this house would definitely be a looker in the said subdivision. Last 26th of March, groundbreaking and lot dedication service was conducted on the said site. It was ministered by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon of First Assembly of God Church. The workers, staffs and family of the owner were present in the event.

HPCC’s venture with this new project would definitely make a mark in Sta. Cecilia sta.-cecilia-project-grounbreakingSubdivision. The company has now built a trademark in the said subdivision. And this two-storey project is now included in HPCC’s portfolio of customized design houses. For this project’s update, it’s now on full swing construction. Using the Plaswall Technology, the project’s progress is fast. And with the system used, good quality outcome is ensured.

Extending our sincerest gratitude to the owner of this two-storey project. Thank you for trusting HPCC to build your dream house. As for updates of the project, you can check out our facebook page. Until then!

The 2014 HPCC Games

homechoice-sportsfest-2014Sports fest is an annual activity of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. Every year, teams per department join in the competition of basketball, volleyball and other recreational activities. And it is usually a one day or two day sports fest activity. This time around, the management decided to have it a month long activity wherein the games will be held every Saturday of the month.

Last March 22 was the opening of the month long HPPC sports fest. Before proceeding to the game proper, the workers and staffs had a sweat it all out zumba dance exercise. The zumba dance was definitely a good warm up exercise as it has given the workers more energy at the start of the competition. Secondary games such as the obstacle race and the tree challenge were also included in the activity. The said games were first playe by the workers; then the main competition started.

homechoice-sportsfest-basketballAfter how many Saturdays of competition, the teams that are included and will compete in the finals are as follows:

Basketball Competition
· Skimplas Team
· Structural 2 Team
· Bodrivers Team
· Finishing Team

Volleyball Competition
· Structural 2 Team
· Structural 1 Team
· Skimplas Team
· Paintor Team

homechoice-sportsfest-volleyballThe above-mentioned teams will compete with each other in the championship game that is yet to be scheduled. Even with the teams’ busy schedule, they still manage to practice for the upcoming finals. In line with the championship game is the culminating activity also wherein the winners will be recognized and awarded.

Until the said championship game will be conducted, everyone will just have to sit and relax for now. Exciting as it is already to see and name the champions but then we’ll have to wait until the schedule is set. To the teams that will play in the finals, good luck and God bless you all! Until the next update!

The Leap

homechoice-new-officeAs a budding company, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation started out in June 2006 renting office spaces. The company was first located at Tiano – Akut streets in Divisoria and then transferred to one of Pueblo de Oro’s commercial building. It was in April 2, 2013 that HPCC began to realize its plan of having an own office and held its groundbreaking at Golden Glow North Arcade.

And now after almost a year of constructing the HPCC Commercial Building, the company has finally transferred to its new office. This time around, the company is the owner of the building. new-office-blessingLast March 18, HPCC had its office blessing that was ministered by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon and members of the First Assembly of God Church. Though the commercial building isn’t finished yet, HPCC has already made the big leap to transfer to its new office. HPCC Commercial Building is a proposed four storey building and as of now, it has built up to the second floor only; but the remaining two storey of the building will soon be constructed. And we just can’t wait to see the completion of the four storey building.

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has indeed grown to be a successful company. And up until now, it still continues to grow and prosper by venturing into new innovations and technology. HPCC has reached to where it is now because of God’s grace. Since the time that the company has started its mission of being blessed to be a blessing; the company’s blessing from God has never stopped since then. And truly, everything that the company has, it owes it all to the Lord Almighty.

This leap that HPCC has made is just the start of the many big leaps that waits ahead of the company. Glory to God!