
Turned over Projects for First Trimester

turn-over-homechoice-2015It has been a productive trimester for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation as the company was able to finish and turnover its different projects to its respective owners. It was a successful turnover for the two-storey residential projects at Vista Verde Village and Gran Europa’s Frontiera Subdivision; one-storey house extension at Morning Mist Village and one-storey residential project at Golden Glow Village.

The abovementioned projects were turned over to clients on these dates respectively; February 24, April 1, April 14 and April 25 of this year. All projects were satisfactorily completed and successfully handed over to the clients. These projects are all customized houses built according to the clients’ desire. And all are now part of HPCC’s roster of quality built houses.

turn-over-homechoice-vvv-2015HPCC is privileged to have this kind of opportunity; the opportunity to be entrusted with building the dream home of the clients. With the given privilege, HPCC would like to thank the clients for choosing the company to be the builder of their house. After months of constructing the houses, it’s really a pleasure to see the smiles plastered on the clients faces during the time of turnover. Cheers to HPCC and to the clients for this successful partnership.

New Roster of Projects

xe-homechoice-projectKudos to HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation for their new roster of projects. Just as before the first quarter ends, new project at Xavier Estates held its Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service last March 26. This certain project is a two-storey residential building that will be situated in a 222 square meter lot with a floor area around 200 square meters.

Another project that has conducted its Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service was the Genova design at Tuscania Subdivision. The said service was held last April 10. Tuscania’s Genova is a two-storey house with a floor area of 80 square meters and this is HPCC’s first project for the second quarter.

tuscania-homechoice-projectThe Groundbreaking and Lot dedication service of both projects was officiated by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon of CDO First Assembly of God church; along with him are the pastors and pastoral staff of the said church. With this, HPCC is extending its warmest gratitude to CDO FAOG for ministering the said services and also to the owners of the projects for choosing HPCC as the builder of their dream home. Cheers to new collaborations! Until then!

Under the blood: HPCC’s Holy Week Service

under-the-blood-of-the-lamb-holy-week-2015It’s an annual activity for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation to conduct a service for the holy week. Every year, there’s always a theme that is set for the holy week service.

This year’s theme was entitled “Under the blood”; where each guest speaker discussed the essence of being under the blood of the lamb. There were four speakers and each of them shared the significance of the blood of the lamb. Though each speaker shared different verses, it sums up to one important point; the grace that we have through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us. Our salvation is God’s way of showing His great love for us. That through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we have now full access to God. Jesus Christ tore the veil and made a way for us to get closer to His father. There’s no need for us to give offerings holy-week-2015-homechoiceand sacrifices because Jesus Christ has done it all for us. He died on the cross carrying all our burden and shame; the great act of unconditional love.

The activity ended with participants filled with knowledge and wisdom of God’s teaching. Thanks to the speakers; Ptr. Walter Ritchie, Ptr. Leah Ritchie, Sis. Iris Porras and Bro. Randy Pianar. The participants have indeed learned a lot from the speakers’ words of wisdom and encouragement. This activity gave the participants something to ponder for this Lenten week. Glory to God!

First Quarter Projects

pueblo-golf-estate-homechoiceHomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation welcomes two new breakthrough projects as it enters year 2015. For the first quarter of 2015, HPCC is set to work with these two new projects. Each project had already conducted its Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service. The first one was the project at Pueblo Golf Estates that was held last 28th of January; and the second project was conducted last March 10 at Vista Verde Village.

It’s a privilege for HPCC to be chosen as the partner in fulfilling the clients’ desire in having their dream home. These new projects; two-storey residential building at Pueblo Golf Estates and one-storey residential building at Vista Verde Village are now already part of HPCC’s portfolio of projects. They are now included in the list of pueblo-vista-verde-village-homechoicequality built customized houses by HPCC. Just recently, the Pueblo Golf Estates project has started its full swing construction. And soon enough, the Vista Verde Village project will be next.

With the company’s mission of providing quality service, the clients definitely made the right choice in collaborating with HPCC to build their house. Assuredly, this partnership will be beyond from start to finish of the project. In behalf of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation; extending our sincerest gratitude to the project owners for entrusting us to be the builders of their house. Updates and developments of these projects will be posted soon. Until then!

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

What is ISO? International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental membership organization that gives world-class specifications for products, services and systems. They also ensure quality, safety and efficiency; an instrument in facilitating international trade. The international standards that they have set make things easily work; ensuring that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. To business, ISO standards are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors. It also increases productivity. The ISO group has already published over 19 500 International Standards. And it caters to almost every industry; technology, food safety, agriculture and healthcare.

The ISO group has published various International Standards; one of its most popular and widely used standards is the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. This quality improvement standard has already over one million certified organizations in 180 countries worldwide. This kind of system offers great benefits that will definitely give the company a boost in their management system. With ISO 9001:2008, the company can save money and time through quality management practices that can increase their organizational efficiency, productivity and profitability. They can minimize risk by consistently achieving level of quality defined by standard, thus ensuring that products and services are less likely to fall short of customer expectations. Also, it can increase the company’s competitiveness that will attract investors and lowers trade barriers to the business. And gain market recognition which can help establish the company’s presence as a supplier when entering a new market.

ISO’s Quality Management System is what HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has been using now. They chose this kind of system to be able to consistently meet and exceed their customers’ expectations. The company aims to attain significant improvements in organizational efficiency and product quality by minimizing waste and errors, and increasing productivity. HPCC aims to have an effective management, and with this, the company shows their dedication to optimizing their operations by demonstrating their commitment to quality, safety and security. Having been certified for the Quality Management System gave HPCC the opportunity to have full visibility of their processes and resources. It has also emphasized their commitment to sustainability and dedication to raising employee motivation and customer satisfaction.

ISO Certification process has been a long and winding road for HPCC. It wasn’t an easy process but with the glory of God, guidance of the consultants and auditors, as well as the staffs’ hard work and motivation, HPCC was able to pass the certification process and is now ISO Certified. Kudos!

HPCC: ISO Certified

homechoice-ISOHomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has always been open for new opportunities. Every new undertaking that comes to its way, the company strives hard for its improvement. And because HPCC aims to further improve their services, the company has decided to embark in another venture.

It was May of 2014 when HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has decided to take a step for greater opportunity. This opportunity was applying for an ISO Certification. For this application to work, HPCC has invited a consultant group that would assist them in the certification process. AGF Consulting Group has been HPCC’s consulting buddy when it comes to the steps and processes needed for the certification. It was six months of working hand in hand with the consulting company. Almost every month, the AGF group would come and visit HPCC to conduct assessments and mock audits. And after six months of consultation with AGF, they have finally declared that HPCC is ready for audit with the certifying body. The recommended certifying body by AGF group was the TUV-SUD Company; a German company that specializes in auditing and system certification, testing and product certification, inspection, homechoice-ISO-9001-2008knowledge services, training. Almost all kinds of certification and training are catered by TUV-SUD Company.

For HPCC’s ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification, TUV SUD did the auditing and system certification for the company. The first audit was on December 2, 2014 and the second one was conducted last 28th of January. The certification process was not that easy though. Overtime work, pressures and stress were all part of the process also. But all of those have been paid off when HPCC finally received a recommendation from the certifying body. It was such an overwhelming moment for HPCC when they got the approval for ISO certification from TUV SUD Company. There may be a lot of pressures and stressful works during the process but it was all worth it.

hpcc-ISO-9001-2008This entire venture is HPCC’s way to further its vision of becoming the leading company in providing quality houses. Because HPCC aims to continually improve its system, the ISO certification is one of the better ways that would help the company in having a quality management system. Congratulations to HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation for a job well done! Cheers to you! All glory and praises to God!

Team Building: HPCC 2015

team-building-2015It has been an annual activity for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation to have a team building activity. For the past years, team building for the staffs and construction workers are conducted separately. This time around, for a change, the company decided to make a joint team building activity. HPCC’s office staff and its construction workers had their team building activity last 19th of February at Seaside Bible Camp, Barra, Opol.

For the past team building activities held, it was the office staff that will facilitate the construction workers with the challenges and tasks. But for this year, it was the staff of Seaside Bible Camp that facilitated the games and challenges. At the start of the program, the participants were introduced to their camp manager who then hpcc-team-building-2015gave them some words of wisdom and encouragement that is according to God’s word. Everyone was enlightened about lessons of unity, camaraderie and team building. Lessons about leadership were also shared to the participants. And the preaching of the camp manager who’s also a pastor made the participants feel encouraged to do something better for their self.

The team building challenges then started after the preaching of the word. The participants were divided into four groups. Different kinds of challenges were given; each challenges tested the team’s ability in various aspects. Whatever the challenges that each team has encountered, the moral lesson of each task was about team cooperation, camaraderie and unity.

homechoice-team-building-2015Lunch fellowship was then followed after the games. Then the participants also had the time to enjoy the venue’s amenities. Some went for a dip in the beach, some took a selfie and groupie shots and others ate snacks and had some rest. Though the activity was full of games and challenges, it somewhat served as a rest and recreation time for HPCC’s staff and workers. It was a day off from work and everyone enjoyed it. Congratulations to all participants!

HPCC’s Outreach Service

hpcc-community-service-seniang-2015HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has been an advocate of different services and programs for the community. As long as there are things that HPCC can be of good service, then the company will lend a helping hand.

Recently, HPCC has yet again lent its helping hand to the fellow Kagay-anons who were affected by the Tropical Storm Seniang. The said tropical storm made headlines last 30th of December 2014 wherein it rained for several days in some parts of the country. One of the greatly affected areas was Misamis Oriental and one of its municipalities suffered from great flooding. And this municipality was the place where HPCC did an outreach program.

Last 17th of January, some of the HPCC staff went to the municipality of Tagoloan to hand out goods to those who were affected by tropical storm Seniang. With this outreach service, HPCC has collaborated with CDO First Assembly of God church and Hope is a Gift Ministry. It was such an homechoice-community-service-seniang-2015overwhelming feeling to be able to help over 100 families. The goods given were not that much but it’s the thought that counts right? Seeing the smiles and hearing the recipient’s words of gratitude are such a heavenly feeling. Because God blessed HPCC together with its church partners that’s why they choose to share the blessing to other people, especially those who most needed it.

The outreach service was a success; HPCC is so grateful for the help that they were able to render for the Tagoloanons. This outreach service is not the first and it wouldn’t be the last also. Being a blessing unto others has always been the company’s motto; and because the Lord Almighty has blessed HPCC, they will continue to live with the motto. May God bless us always.

Advancing towards 2015

11415_753156424739378_6657101847590163881_nAs HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation closes its curtain for year 2014, the company went down to memory lane and looked back on how the year went for them. It has been a roller coaster ride for HPCC; there were moments of ups and downs. But in every circumstance that the company has been into, it hadn’t stopped HPCC to continue with its endeavor. And without all those ups and downs, HPCC wouldn’t be able to make its advancement to 2015.

Before leaving 2014 behind and advancing to 2015, HPCC conducted its closing activities such as the thanksgiving celebration that happened last 20th of December in the company’s warehouse. The thanksgiving celebration served also as the Christmas party of the workers. The past years have been a grand celebration of Christmas parties but this time 10537742_753156534739367_3055159963642827114_naround the company has decided to make it simple. Just like how the company celebrated its Christmas party when they were just starting the business. The thanksgiving celebration was ministered by the senior pastor of CDO FAOG church, Pastor Elpie Taboclaon. A simple yet satiating feast was then prepared for the attendees. It was a memorable party even with its simple preparation.

Another activity conducted was the overnight planning cum sales awarding last 22nd and 23rd of December at Eco-Village Gardens of Malasag. The said activity was participated by HPCC staff and RPM Realty agents and it was indeed a productive overnight stay for them. A lot has prepared for the overnight stay; there was the fellowship during day one where guests from CDO FAOG church arrived and gave the participants words of wisdom. The staff and agents were also grouped according to their department and did some brainstorming for their 2015 goals and plans. During day two, each department 10915169_753257658062588_4297601613918417045_npresented their goals and plans. The sales awarding of RPM Realty was also conducted during day two, acknowledging the top performers for the year. With this, we would like to congratulate the top performers, who are as follows: 3rd placer Crisanto Peniscula Jr., 2nd placer Klinju Roy Masangcay and 1st placer Jezreel James Manrique. Kudos to you guys!

The overnight activity at Gardens of Malasag ended with glee. The participants have not only learned something from the words of wisdom that was shared and their goals and plans that they have brainstormed; they have also enjoyed a lot with the fun games that was prepared and the park’s amenities such as early morning swim, sightseeing of the park’s picturesque view and a walk around the nature park.

With the activities that were prepared, surely the workers and staff of HPCC are now ready to take a step forward to 2015. Year 2014 has indeed been a great year for HPCC as it has left so many memories for the company; memories that are worth keeping and remembered. Here’s to the advancement of HPCC to 2015. Cheers for the good year to come!

Xavier Estates Project 9: Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication

10806244_740150882706599_7905951364548496343_nIt’s a year ender project for HPCC. This upcoming two-storey residential building at Xavier Estates Subdivision is the last but definitely not the least. After months of planning and discussion of the project, it has already come to its final plan and now ready for construction. And as before the year comes to a close, the owner together with HPCC and CDO First Assembly of God church has conducted the project’s Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Service last December 18.

In HPCC’s portfolio, this certain project is going to be the company’s 9th project in the said subdivision. It’s a customized modern design two-storey house; with 4 bedrooms, 3 toilet and baths, kitchen, a living and a dining room. It has also other house features that were according to the owner’s desire.

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is glad to have been chosen as the contractor of this project at Xavier Estates. In behalf of the company, thank you to the owners for choosing us as builders and partner in fulfilling their dream house.

Any developments of this project will soon be posted in our website and facebook page. Updates soon!