
Valuing Customers

hpcc-customer-appreciation-dinner-2015Existing since year 2006, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has been in the construction field for almost nine years already. It has been nine years already of constructing customized houses and nine years of helping families in building their dream house.

Through the years of HPCC’s existence, it has able to build almost 250 customized houses to date. With each houses built and delivered to clients, HPCC has also established good relationship with every client that it has encountered and helped in realizing their dream house. And HPCC’s service to its clients hasn’t stopped even after turnover of the houses; because the company values its customer, serving and addressing their concerns even after completion of the house is part of the company’s commitment to ensure most satisfied customers.

cuatomer-appreciation-dinner-2015As a way of showing the company’s gratitude to its valued customers, in year 2012, HPCC has started conducting a Customer Appreciation Dinner; inviting its entire past client to a dinner party where HPCC can show its sincerest appreciation to all of its clients for choosing the company as the builder of their home. This year, HomeChoice Planners has held yet another Customer Appreciation Dinner for its 2013 to 2015 clients. The said event took place at Xavier Sports and Country Club last September 11. With this year’s event, HPCC had the privilege to entertain its clients through various presentations; inspire them spiritually through the word of God as shared by Pastor Elpie Taboclaon and satisfy their stomach through the dinner prepared. HPCC also took the opportunity to let the clients have a taste of Christmas by serenading them with Christmas Carols and giving out of Christmas presents.

homechoice-customer-appreciation-dinner-2015It was a fun and successful event for HPCC and its customers. Everyone did have a good time during the event. Surely, this event wouldn’t be the last one for HPCC. Heartfelt thanks to all the clients who have participated and partnering with HPCC in building their home. Other clients may have missed the event; HPCC would still like to extend its biggest thanks for the partnership and for touching people’s lives thru community service. Kudos!

United and One in Christ

11035738_858826664172353_4089364175798501943_n“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Mark 10:9

It’s HPCC’s 5th year in celebrating Mass Wedding for the workers. Knowing that marriage is a permanent and committed relationship between a man and a woman; HPCC has made this celebration as an advocacy. In this way, it encourages the workers of the company to lead their partners in holy matrimony. And through this matrimony, they are now one and united in Christ.

As it has been a traditional date already, the said mass wedding was celebrated last 28th of August at CDO First Assembly of God church. This year, three lovely couples from HPCC and two other couples from Assembly of God Opol has joined in the holy matrimony service. Serving as their witnesses are their family, 11951222_858827657505587_2841436925889763489_nrelatives and friends; taking part in the happiness and joy of the lovely couples.

It has always been a privilege for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation to be part in this kind of event and also to serve as a channel in fulfilling their dreams. Thanks to the people working behind every details of the wedding; for without them the event wouldn’t even be successful. To God, all glory and praises to Him for with Him nothing is impossible. It is by God’s grace and blessing that HPCC was able to come up with this kind of event five years ago.

Kudos for the successful event and congratulations to the newlyweds! Until the next mass wedding!

HPCC & DRN Concrete Resources: An Approach to Modern Construction

11960140_855445674510452_7544493747301400079_nAs an approach to the modernization and innovation in construction, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has ventured in the Lightweight Concrete Technology as an alternative to the traditional concrete cement. This technology is also known as the Portafoam System manufactured by DRN Concrete Resources, a company that specializes in Industrialized Building System. For the company to have further insight and knowledge on the said technology, they have invited one of the known consultants of DRN Concrete Resources namely Dr. Norizal Bin MD Noordin.

This invitation of DRN Resources’ consultant has made a way for HPCC to collaborate with other organizations; introducing the new technology to different entities. During Dr. Norizal’s visit, meetings and speaking engagements were part of his itinerary. On his first day, a courtesy call at the Vice Mayor’s office was scheduled. Dr. Norizal was able meet and greet Hon. Ian Acenas last August 17. For the next days, Dr. 11899875_855446917843661_8954629010484059744_nNorizal visited and had a tour around the leader in advance coal power generation technology, known as Steag State Power Inc. The said company was located at Villanueva, Misamis Oriental. The establishing of rapport at Steag State Power Inc. was a way of HPCC to have future collaboration with the said company thru DRN Resources’ technology.

Aside from scheduled meetings, HPCC also arranged two speaking engagements for Dr. Norizal; seminars for students and local contractors for the same purpose; to disclose the use of Lightweight Concrete Technology. Last August 19 was the International Forum for all 5th year Civil Engineering and Architecture students that was held at Capitol University. This event was collaboration with Capitol University and James Hardie Philippines that served as the major sponsor. The attendees were students from Mindanao University of State and Technology, Central Mindanao University, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro College-Phinma and Liceo de Cagayan 11947519_855449234510096_2869765646873853513_nUniversity. The other seminar was held last August 20 at Prawn House Restaurant for all contractors and builders of Cagayan de Oro City. James Hardie Philippines was also a partner of HPCC for this event.

Every event and activity attended by DRN Resources has been a success. Its purpose of imparting knowledge regarding the new technology was fulfilled. And HPCC believes that this partnership will eventually expand to future endeavors. HPCC would like to thank everyone who made every event possible. Looking forward for the continuous support and partnership!

HPCC towards Innovation

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is making another mark towards innovativeness by embarking on a new venture. For three years now, HPCC has already been known for using the Plaswall Technology on their projects. It has made the company as one of the contractors in Cagayan de Oro City to use a modern construction approach. And with the company’s commitment in new innovation and modern construction, HPCC has ventured in yet another technology – the Lightweight Foamed Concrete Technology.

This innovation of using Lightweight Foamed Concrete Technology is another method of HPCC in modern construction. This certain technology is made from mixing preformed stable foam into slurry of cement, sand and water. The stable foam is the important ingredient in the making of this concrete, and it must be stable and last through the initial stages of mixing the concrete. As a way of incorporating the Lightweight Foamed Concrete on HPCC’s future projects, they have invited a Malaysian technology-based company that specializes in Industrialized Building System – DRN Concrete Resources. The said company provides consultancy, technology and products related to Lightweight Foamed Concrete Technology.

The Lightweight Foamed Concrete or the Portafoam System is a widely used technology in Malaysia and also of some other countries. Portafoam’s component makes it lighter than the traditional CHB. And it also possesses special properties such as low thermal conductivity and high fire resistance. Its density ranges from as low as 400 kg/m3 to as high as 1600 kg/m3; allowing it to be used in a variety of applications such as pre-cast wall blocks and panels, cast in-situ lightweight, floor and roof screeds, trench reinstatement, road foundations and void filling.

HPCC continues to widen its horizon through innovations such as this Portafoam System. HPCC believes that through the use of this technology, modern construction in Cagayan de Oro City will be more significant. And with this step towards innovation, Mindanao will soon be following the modern construction trend of Luzon and Visayas. And these new technologies for modern construction will soon be widely used here in Mindanao. Cheers to modernization of construction!

HPCC’s Continual Improvement

hpcc-continual-improvementAs part of HPCC’s continual improvement, internal audits are held every trimester to check the process of the company. Internal Auditors roam around per department, assessing and inspecting the procedure of each department. The auditors see to it that each department has followed every process in their procedure manuals; checking if there any improvements and non-conformances.

Last April, the company had held its very first internal audit and management review after being ISO certified. At that time, there were a lot of things that needs improvement and non-conformances were found. This time around, internal audit for second trimester was done last August 6 and 7. The second management review was then followed at Seda Hotel last August 8; wherein the audit results and progress ISO-continual-improvement-hpccreport of each department was presented. The results for the second internal audit were gradually improving compared to the first internal audit; showing that each department continually improves their abidance to the standard procedures. Though there are still non-conformances, rewards and incentives were still given to all workers and staff for the improved results.

Internal auditing and management review reporting are all part of HPCC’s growth and continuous improvement. These things are vital tools in the company’s competence with its quality management system. And with this, HPCC continues to pave its way towards excellence following its vision, mission and quality policy. Cheers to the continuous success of HPCC!

Synergized at Chali Beach Resort

team-building-2015Last 24th and 25th of July, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation held its overnight Team Building Activity for the leaders and staff at Chali Beach Resort. The activity was handled and facilitated by one of the renowned training and consulting group in Cagayan de Oro; the MCIC Consulting led by Ms. Maria Christina Concepcion.

It was not the usual team building where it was concentrated in physical activities; yes, there were some physical activity but the activities prepared for the whole day of the 25th was more of measuring the emotional and intellectual quotients of the participants. The one and a half day team building was more about developing the participants’ personalities. From dream-board presentations to problem solving a given situation; creative cooperation was really at work within the leaders and staff.

Team Building is a process where people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. The team building activities taught its participants the value of teamwork and appreciate open-mindedness. Each participant found also an adventure in finding new solutions to old problems. Through this synergizing process, better relationship was established and personalities hpcc-team-building-2015were greatly developed. This team building activity is part of HPCC’s continuous improvement for leaders, staff and also for the company. It has indeed helped the participants in molding their character. And with this, more activities and seminars are in the workers hopes.

Cheers to the successful activity and warmest gratitude to MCIC for their help. Looking forward for another partnership with MCIC Consulting Group!

ISO 9001:2008 Awareness Seminar

Learning never stops. And it is interesting especially when we work as a team as you get to see how other people think. HPCC believes that learning is best when you get to interact with other people. And by interacting means conducting seminars that would benefit the company’s continual improvement.

Last July 11 an ISO 9001:2008 Awareness Seminar was conducted by HPCC to its staffs and chosen construction leaders. Its objectives were to understand the quality management system and eight management principles; understand the ISO 9001:2008 series of standards and interrelationship among ISO 9001, ISO 9004 and ISO 19011; and also learn the interpretation of ISO 9001:2008. This seminar was a re-echo of what the company’s Internal Auditors has learned from the ISO Audit Training that they have attended last June 22-24 at Davao City. It serves as a refresher to the staffs and leaders; for them to further understand the ISO system. This kind of awareness seminar is a contributory factor to the growth and improvement of the staffs and leaders by constant exposure and learning of the ISO system.

At the end of the discussion, the participants were given an exam for their learning evaluation. The results were good indicating that the participants have indeed learned from the seminar. After the seminar, certificates of attendance were also given to the participants; acknowledging their active participation and interaction during the seminar. Congratulations!

Surely this kind of awareness seminar will not be the last but the first of the many seminars that will come. Cheers for HPCC’s continual improvement!

Competent Workers

11224617_815821561806197_2437406618945389523_nIt is HPCC’s commitment to ensure most satisfied customers, deliver highest quality service and continually improve its quality management system. One of the most important ways in achieving its commitment is thru the competence of its workers. Establishing rapport and building good relationship with the clients are contributing factors to having satisfied customers. These are also contributory factors to the competency of the company and its workers. Being competent measures the workmanship and attitude of a certain person toward its work. It is where we can determine how passionate one can be with its work. If one is passionate with its work; positive outcome and result will exude from it.

As a way of showing how HPCC values its workers’ workmanship, the company has recognized and acknowledged the workers that have shown competence with their work. Last June 1, during the bible study 10462852_815821888472831_5030550085205116256_nfellowship, six workers were awarded with certificates and tokens for their outstanding performances from the month of January to April 2015. These workers were recognized for their competency and complete attendance which means no tardiness and absences in work. Congratulations to the recipients! Keep up the good work!

For the workers who have received an award, HPCC hopes that this won’t be the first and last award that they’ll be receiving. May this award give them the inspiration to continue their good works in the company. And for the other workers, may this be an inspiration for them to do their best also so that they too will be recognized on the next awarding. Kudos!

Summer Fun Together

summer-outing-honechoice-2015Summer outing is definitely not too late for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation as the company has conducted its “Summer Fun Together” last May 30 at Spring View Resort, Jasaan, Misamis Oriental. It was HPCC’s huling hirit sa tag-init!

We know that being a construction worker is not an easy job; they are exposed to strenuous works and spend most of their time working under the scorching heat of the sun. And what better gift could we offer to them? Off course it would be some time off from work. Thus, HPCC gives them their summer getaway. The summer outing was HPCC’s offer of summer escapade to the workers and staff. The activity was not only a summer fun time together with the team but also a fun time summer-outing-2015together with the Lord. In line with this, Water Baptism was conducted. The said water baptism was ministered by the pastors and staff of First Assembly of God church. There were 17 people who submitted their selves and received Jesus Christ in their life; four of which are HPCC’s workers; others were children of HPCC’s staff and youth members of FAOG church. Congratulations to the 17 people who finally decided to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Lunch fellowship was then followed after the water baptism. The staff, workers and guests had a very satiating lunch; roasted pigs, chicken barbecue, pansit, mango tapioca and a lot more food varieties were prepared. Happy tummy for everybody! It was a happy swimming also for everyone as they spent the rest of the day in the pool. Quality time spent well with their colleagues.

summer-outing-baptism-2015It was an event worthy to be included in the throwback Thursday and flashback Friday posts. This activity is definitely worth reminiscing. Looking forward for more events like this. Cheers to the organizers of the event. Kudos to the successful outcome of the Summer Fun Together! Until the next event!

HPCC conducts Vacation Bible School Program

Vacation-Bible-School-program-homechoiceMay 25, 2015 was another remarkable day for HomeChoice Planners and ConstructionCorporation as the company conducted its Vacation Bible School Program. This is not a new event for the company as they have conducted it in the previous years; only that this time around the workers’ wives are included in the program. It was a one day event that was attended by the company’s staff and workers’ children and wives.

This year’s Vacation Bible School theme was all about “Knowing God”. In collaboration with the First Assembly of God church, the participants were taught by the volunteer teachers and pastoral staff of the said church. The whole day event was full of different activities; for the children they were taught to memorize verses from the bible, there were arts and crafts, bible storytelling and they were also taught to sing praise and worship songs. The wives did some Vacation-Bible-School-program-homechoice-2015similar activities also, only that it was suited for their age.

At the end of the Vacation Bible School program, a closing ceremony was held for all the attendees. It was a graduation ceremony to commemorate their active participation in the VBS program. The attendees also showcased their talents by reciting the memory verses and presenting the songs that they have learned. It was a successful and fun filled one day only event of HPCC. Thanks to First Assembly of God church for the successful partnership. Cheers to all who took part in the event’s success. To God be all the glory!