
ISO 9001:2015: An Overview

logo-iso-9001-2015ISO 9001 is the world’s most popular and most commonly used standard for quality management system. To keep it current and relevant for the marketplace, its revision was published late last year – ISO 9001:2015. All ISO standards are reviewed every five years to establish if a revision is required to keep it up-to-date and on trend. Thus, the revised version is designed to respond to the latest trends and be compatible with other management systems.

The ISO 9001:2015 revision had undergone different stages before it was officially published last year. It was proposed on May and June 2012 then had its preparation from June to October of the same year. It was forwarded to the committee stage and the process started from June to October of 2013. On the year 2014, it was processed in the enquiry stage from May to October. Then it was approved on July 2015 and finally published on September 2015.

This new version of ISO 9001 follows a higher level structure to make it easier to use in conjunction with other management system standards, with increase importance given to risk. It is less prescriptive than its predecessor, focusing instead on performance. This was achieved by combining the process approach with risk-based thinking, and employing the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at all levels in the organization.

Before releasing the new edition of ISO 9001, it underwent through many processes because the organization wanted to publish more concrete and polished version of ISO 9001; conforming to the latest trends and modern needs. The ISO 9001:2015 replaces previous editions and certification bodies and organizations are granted a three-year transition period to migrate their certificates to the new version.

Breakthrough Project at Westwoods Village

imageIt’s a first for HPCC as the company ventures in a new project at Westwoods Village. The said subdivision is one of Pueblo de Oro’s recent developments and HPCC is privileged to be having a project built in the said place. This certain project is a breakthrough project for HPCC as this will be it’s very first construction at Westwood Village; thanks to the family for giving HPCC the opportunity to build their dream house.

This breakthrough project at Westwoods Village will be a modern designed two – storey residential building; designed according to the client’s desire. The house is designed with spacious living room, dining room, balcony and four bedrooms; the master’s bedroom having its own walk-in closet and bathroom. Following the subdivision’s standard and restrictions, the house may have adapted most of the subdivision’s houses look but it has its own unique touch.

imageTo celebrate the partnership of HPCC and client in constructing the house, a groundbreaking and lot dedication service was conducted last 2nd of July at the project’s site. The service was led by CDO First Assembly of God church; and it was attended by the family and relatives of the client and some staff of HPCC.

Both parties are anticipating the start of this project’s full swing construction and eager also to see its completion. This will soon be included in HPCC’s roster of projects and it’ll be first in the company’s portfolio of Westwoods Village projects. Surely this project will not be the first and last but just the first of the many projects that will come. Updates and developments will be posted at the start of its construction. Until then!

The sweet escape to Mapawa Nature Park

13001289_971809739540711_16479921718014900_nWorking eight hours for six days a week can be stressful and tiring; especially with those workers doing heavy labor under the heat of the sun. And when we’re tired and stress from work, all we want to do is have a day off from work just to let our body rest and do some recreation. In what way can we relieve the stress? A sweet escape from work.

As for rest and recreation, HPCC together with its sister companies RPM Realty, Carniella General Merchandise and R3 Marketing held its joint team building activity at Mapawa Nature Park last 16th of April. The staffs and workers of the aforementioned companies took a one day off from work and spent their rest and recreation at the said nature park. The team building activity was facilitated by the Mapawa Nature Park team. There were five challenges prepared each with different objectives and goals. Even with different objectives and goals, in the end, the challenges taught the participants one thing – teamwork. There may have been some clash of characters and a little misunderstanding in the duration of the activities but it all ended well. The participants have indeed brought home good learning from the activity.

13006652_971812039540481_9070960465201017679_nThe rest and recreation didn’t just end with the activities that were given by the facilitators of Mapawa Nature Park team. As a reward for the teams’ effort in accomplishing the challenges; the participants were given the opportunity to try out Mapawa’s amenities such as ziplining and 20ft water jump. It’s really good to see that even for just one day of sweet escape, the workers and staffs had enjoyed their time off from work. In a way, even if the team building was all challenging, it has helped them to somewhat alleviate their stress and let them thought of things other than work.

The team building was indeed a great sweet escape. Thanks to Mapawa Nature Park for the warm accommodation. Kudos to the teams! HPCC, RPM Realty, Carniella General Merchandise and R3 Marketing. Until then!

Lead me to the Cross: HPCC’s holy week special

imageLast March 23, as an annual practice of HPCC, its Holy Week activity was held at CDO First Assembly of God church. This year’s Lenten activity was themed “Lead me to the Cross”, emphasizing the significance of the cross. One of the significant things happened on the cross was Jesus Christ’s seven last words. It has been a tradition for churches to commemorate the seven last words that Jesus has uttered when he was hanging on the cross.

And for this year’s holy week service, Jesus’ famous seven last words were preached and elaborated by different speakers. It was a refreshing holy week activity in a way that some of the speakers were fresh pastoral graduates and some were first time speakers in a large group of people. The seven last words were also a refresher for some imageof the attendees and for some it was their first time to hear about it. The activity has touched and blessed the hearts of the attendees. They were physically, emotionally and spiritually satiated.

The cross is the symbol of Jesus Christ’s unconditional love for us. Despite of our iniquities, transgressions and sins, God has sacrificed His son for our salvation. We were saved by grace and we should be grateful that we’re alive because of that grace. Surely no words can express that can be amounted to what the Lord has done for us; but still we want to say thank you Lord for everything. To God be the glory!

It’s more fun in Mapawa Nature Park

mapawa-adventure-park-hpccIt’s a whole new adventure for Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation as they took the time off from work and spent their holiday at Mapawa Nature Park last 25th of February. They say that you only live once and so you shouldn’t miss every opportunity that comes your way. And with this, the HPCC staffs and RPM Realty agents didn’t miss the opportunity to conquer the extreme course of river trekking and canyoneering. Along the river trek course, there were four different challenges to face; the 25ft water slide, rappelling, 20ft water jump and 65ft canyoneering. It wasn’t an easy course for the staffs and agents as some of them have fear of heights and some doesn’t know how to swim. The course that took them longer to accomplish was the 20ft water jump. It was indeed a very tough one because it has to do with the person’s decision to jump or not to jump. Others may have taken long to decide but in the end, everybody was able to take that leap of faith.

mapawa-adventure-park-hpccThe different challenges may have cause stress and anxiety due to the staffs and agents’ fears but they were able to conquer it all. They haven’t missed out the chance to face the test in conquering their fears. It has been a realization for everyone that in life, one cannot proceed to the next course if they won’t face the trials or problems that comes their way. There are only two choices, it’s either they face everything and rise or forget everything and run. And as for the HPCC staffs and RPM Realty agents, they chose to face the challenges and rise at the end of the activity.

The Mapawa Nature Park adventure was indeed a YOLO moment to treasure. Extreme adventures like sliding from a 25ft waterfalls, jumping from a 20ft cliff or 65ft canyoneering are things that shouldn’t be missed. It’s not every day that you get to do all these extreme adventure stuff. Thanks to Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation for giving their staffs the opportunity to experience those extreme adventure. Extreme fun and extreme adventure at its best; it’s definitely more fun in Mapawa Nature Park. Congratulations conquerors and overcomers! Till the next adventure!

OSHNET-10 conducts First Aid training

imageOccupational Safety and Health Network (OSHNet) – 10, Inc. has recently conducted training for nurses, safety officers and construction personnel. The training was a learning session on “First Aid in the workplace”; it was held on February 3, 2016 at Polymedic Medical Plaza.

Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation took part in the said training by sending their company nurse and safety officers to attend in the activity. Topics such as Roles and Responsibilities of the First Aid Provider, Medical Emergencies, Injury Emergencies, Head, Neck and Spine Injury, Burns and Electrical Injuries were discussed. The attendees were also taught different first aid treatments for stroke and abovementioned injuries. Skills such as proper removal of contaminated gloves were taught as well. Thanks to the speaker – Mr. Jarolito I. Ruiz, Assistant Director of Nursing – Training and Development of Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, USA; for imparting his knowledge and skills.

imageThe attendees actively participated in the three hour training; all were willing to learn and know the different first aid treatments, skills and procedures. There were segments prepared for the different first aid procedures where the participants are free to perform a return demonstration of the procedures learned. Thanks to the staff nurses of Polymedic Medical Plaza for patiently demonstrating the first aid procedures.

This training is a vital learning to all the participants; their knowledge and skills will not only be limited to their workplace but also can be used in their households or in any place. Such any accidents will occur, immediate first aid treatment can intervene further cause of the problem or even death.

Looking forward for more meaningful trainings and seminars of OSHNET-10! Cheers to the successful activity!

HPCC ventures in school projects

hpcc-school-building-project-2016Stepping up and making the move, Homechoice Planners and Construction Corporation ventures in not only one but two school projects for this year. The company has indeed widened its horizon to projects ranging from residential to commercial and school building.

These school projects are located at Misamis Oriental; which both projects having a two-storey and four classroom building. Last 29th of January, groundbreaking and lot dedication service was held at one of the school projects located at Villanueva. On the next day, January 30th, the second project at Tagoloan also conducted its groundbreaking and lot dedication service.

Of these two projects, the project at Tagoloan was the first to start its full swing construction; it has started last February 1. With the technology that the company will be using for this hpcc-school-project-2016certain project, its estimated project completion will be around April 2016. It has been planned that the Villanueva project will start its construction after the completion of project Tagoloan.

It sure is an exciting start of the year because of HPCC’s line up projects. The company has indeed stepped up to greater possibilities. And this is all to the glory of God; for with Him nothing is impossible.

Updates and developments of these projects will be posted soon. Kudos!

HPCC: In stepping up and making the move

image2015 has been a remarkable year for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. It has been a year of great achievements and challenging circumstances. Both achievements and trials have strengthened the company enough to face and surpass every circumstance. Through the test of time, HPCC has indeed proven its worth.

In celebration of its successful journey in 2015, the company has conducted its Christmas thanksgiving party last December 22, 2015 at Xavier Estates Sports and Country Club with a theme of “Step up! Make that move”. It’s a rare gathering wherein staff and workers of HPCC are in their flauntingly best attire. The guys and gals of HPCC happily showed off their checkered and polka-dotted outfits. It was a day of fun and meaningful fellowship.

imageHPCC steps up and is making the move to fruitful 2016. One of the company’s big steps was becoming an ISO certified company last year. It may be a roller coaster ride for the company during the process of certification but all efforts has been paid off upon receiving the title of an ISO certified company. And now as 2015 closes, HPCC moves forward to 2016 with big faith that it’s going to be a prosperous year for the company. And it’s going to be all for the glory of God.

Cheers to 2016 and a very happy new year to all!

Kisanlu Project 3

10697328_878621855526167_9003817559350390808_oAnother project of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is set to start at Kisanlu Subdivision. This project is HPCC’s third project already in the said subdivision. You reap what you sow as what they say, and this certain project is a product of what the company has sown in other projects. Through the previous projects that HPCC has sown at Kisanlu Subdivision, the company was able to reap another project through their referral.

This project is a three bedroom two-storey residential with roof deck. Another project that is uniquely designed based on the owner’s choice. This customized modern house held its groundbreaking and lot dedication last 17th of October together with the owners, HPCC staff and CDO FAOG church as the ministering party.

12091363_878622195526133_5709221781936362620_oYou really reap what you sow especially when what you have sown was well cultivated and taken care of. HPCC is in deep gratitude to its past clients in Kisanlu Subdivision because through them the company was given the opportunity to fulfill the dream house of this new project. It is by God’s glory and favor that this project will soon start its construction. The family is surely looking forward to the completion of this project; HPCC is excited as well. We’ll keep you posted with the developments of this project.

Project 11 at Vista Verde Village

imageNewest project of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is now on its full swing construction at Vista Verde Village. This certain construction is HPCC’s 11th project in the said subdivision.

Last September 28, the said project held its groundbreaking and lot dedication service; attended by the project owner together with HPCC and CDO First Assembly of God church who ministered the service. It’s a privilege for HPCC to be able to serve yet another family with dreams of having their own house. The company is pleased to be imagethe builder of this two-storey residential building at Vista Verde Village. This project is now on its first construction phase; working on with the layout, concrete pouring of beam and other structural works.

Congratulations to the family for making this step in realizing their dream house. Thank you also for making HPCC part of this dream; being the builder of your home. Each party is excited to see the outcome of this collaboration. Kudos to us!