
Updates on Vista Verde Village Project 3

Dedicated. One must be wholly committed to something that they do for greater outcomes. As for us in HomeChoice Planners, it is but important to us that we dedicate ourselves in every project that we work on. Being devoted into something is a sign for achievement.

With this project at Vista Verde Village, we are giving our best shot on working with this house construction, making sure that we’ve followed every little detail that our client wanted for their dream house. And also deliver to them every development with their house. As for last week’s enhancements, we were able to work on the installation of reinforcement column on 2nd floor and removing of scaffolding.

For this week’s activity, we have worked 60% on the CHB filling and 35% on Installation of forms for column on the 2nd floor. The planned activities for next week will be the following:

-Continuation of CHB filling
-Installation of forms

There’ll be a lot to work on before seeing this house in its physical form. But with a lot of dedication and hard work, this project will be done in no time. We know that the Almighty Father is with us, guiding us in every work that we do. He serves as our inspiration and of course, our clients as well, giving us the drive to work more for the better. So to our inspirations, Thanks much!

Vista Verde Village Project 4 Update

Focus. Everybody needs this for a better outcome of their work. HomeChoice Planners is not an exemption to this. Being focused to every project that we have is a must as this would give us better results with our work. We wanted our clients to enjoy the good outcome from our work and also give them the best services we have.

Just for example this project that we’re working on Vista Verde Village, we are focused on working with this house because we wanted to achieve good outcomes. We see to it that we give accurate information and details regarding the developments of this house to our client. Talking about developments, last week we were able to do the following:

-Installation of scaffoldings 95%
-Installation of forms 90%
-Pouring of concrete footing 100%
Pouring of column 1st floor 100%
Electrical preparation 100%

And as for this week, the following works were done:

Pouring slab 2nd floor 100%
-Installation of forms at stairs 100%

The planned activities for next week would be the Curing of concrete slab on the 2nd floor and Installation of reinforcement at stairs. We, at HomeChoice Planners values trust, service and family in our company and so we wanted this to share also to our clients. It is our aim to be a blessing to others. And for other updates regarding this project, we’ll keep you all informed!

HomeChoice Planners: Manpower Re-orientation Program

Orient. It is but essential that before we start to do something, we have to get oriented with the things that we’re about to do. Orientation is important as this would give us an idea on the stuff that we’re supposed to do. For first timers or those who’s going to be exposed on something for the first time, getting oriented is a must.

In a company, orientation before starting to work is vital as this would make the workers familiar with or adjusted to the company’s facts, principles or situation. Once oriented, we could now start working with the things that we’re supposed to work on. And orientation doesn’t have to be done only once. It is better to conduct a re-orientation once in a while. Its purpose is to remind the workers of the policies and principles in a certain company, just in case they have forgotten already. This practice would make them more aware and familiar of the things that should and shouldn’t be done. And thus they could become good and well oriented workers.

HomeChoice Planners & Construction Corporation conducted a Manpower Re-orientation last February 27, 2012. The said program aims to focus toward the concerns and interests of the construction workers. It is to re-orient them with the company’s rules and regulations, core values and working standards. It was a whole day event and it was held at the ‘bodega’, as what we call it.

The first part of the program was dedicated for the bible study. The bible study was headed by Ptr. Lloyd Yana together with his First Assembly of God Church family. It is but right that before starting a program, we have to honor God’s grace. Allot a time for us to listen and ponder upon the word of the Lord. After the bible study, we then proceeded to the second part of the program. This part is allotted for the program proper. The first one to get on stage was a professor from Capitol University. He is the Dean of the Engineering Department, namely Engr. Franco Flores discussed about the safety measures in construction works. And we are so privileged to have him as one of the speakers. Then before proceeding to the next topic, Mr. Ian Jason L. Manrique prepared a film viewing to the workers. The film was all about the company’s history. After that, Ms. Valerie Joan E. Garcia then took the stage and talked about the company’s profile; its vision, mission and core values.

After the topic on the company’s profile, the most awaited part of the program then came; LUNCH time! It was a satisfying lunch and we are all glad to see the workers enjoying the food we’ve prepared. Right after lunch, the program then continued. The next speakers were Ms. Geramie S. Morales and Ms. Melody Masangcay, they talked about the company’s rules and regulations and the penalties and sanctions. Our very own engineers; Engr. Mark Anthony Sangrador and Engr. Rhenan Redosendo, went up the stage also and shared about the working standards of the company. We also invited one of our clients, Mr. Jerry Newland to be one of the speakers. He reviewed the topics and discussed it to the workers in a summarized way. The last but not the least who spoke in front of the workers, was the head of our company, REB Robinson P. Masangcay or Sir Bens as what we call him, shared some words of encouragement, it is for him to motivate the workers to work harder and give their best shot.

We are pleased with the outcome of the re-orientation program. The workers went home filled with new knowledge. They are now more aware and familiar with the company’s what to do and not to do. HomeChoice Planners is grateful with the workers attendance. Their participation is highly appreciated. We are also thankful to the speakers who willingly shared their time to discuss the following topics mentioned above. Indeed, it was a fun-filled day. Kudos to all!

Update: Kisanlu Project

Effort. We have to exert effort in everything that we do. If we want things to be done nicely and properly, we have to put our best effort in it. In our company, to be able to give our clients the best service, we really put our effort in all the things that we do.

In every project that we have, we see to it that we give the best effort we could give for better outcome. Just like this project at Kisanlu Iponan, HomeChoice Planners is giving its best shot to be able to accomplish all the tasks needed. And last two weeks, we were able to do these activities:

Glass works 100%
-Fence works 50%
-Carpentry works 45%
Painting works 10%

For this week, we are now working on the following things:

-Carpentry works 90%
-Painting works 17%
-Fabrication of fence railings 50%
-Stone works 55%
-Installation of granite slab 100%
-Tile works 100%
-Installation of doors 100%

Scheduled activities for next week are as follows: Continuation of carpentry works, Painting works, Installation of railings for fence and Stone works. Other developments for this project will soon be posted. Photos are included also. Updates with this project can be checked in our facebook pages and in our websites also.

Looking for someone to realize your dream house? Choose HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. Because there’s no other choice but HomeChoice Planners.

Tuscania’s Verona II Project Update

End. At last! After months of working with this house at Tuscania CDO, it will soon be finished. The house that was first seen as a perspective drawn in a paper now can be seen and touched in its physical form. Months of waiting for this construction and now it has almost come to its end.

For the last two weeks, we were able to do the following activities:

Painting works 98%
-Installation of bricks 99%
-Installation of door knobs 100%

Two weeks ago, due to some painters were transferred to other sites; we weren’t able to finish all the painting works. As for this week, we were able to finish the following: Painting works 100%, Installation of bricks 100% and Installation of door knobs 100%.

The most awaited part of this project will be done next week. Clearing and Building turn-over! Isn’t it exciting? We’re anxious to let the owner see the outcome of our hard work. We just can’t wait to turn this unit over to the owner. Soon, we’ll be posting photos of this house in its turn-over state.

We, the HomeChoice Planners family would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all the workers who have put so much work and effort to be able to finish this house construction. Thank you also to the family who gave us their trust to build their dream house. Kudos!

Golden Glow Village Project 1 Update

Achievement. They say that the greatest achievements are those that benefit others. We, at HomeChoice Planners, is very grateful with all the achievements that we’ve had. Our achievements did benefit a lot of people. With the projects that we had, we were able to give jobs to those who are seeking for it and also help the families who want a house of their own.

Another project that soon can be included in our achievements is the house construction at Golden Glow Village. For the developments of this house, two weeks ago we were able to do the following:

-Installation of railings at stairs 90%
-Installation of railings at terrace 90%
-Installation of steel stairs for attic 20%
-Installation of facia frame 100%
-Installation of facia board 100%
-Installation of spandrel 40%
-Tapping at fire wall and plastering 100%
Tile works 25%
-Stone works 100%

And as for this week’s accomplishment, here are as follows: Installation of railings at stairs 100%, Installation of railings at terrace 10, Installation of PVC door jambs 100%, Installation of door jambs 100%, Installation of steel stairs at attic 50%, Installation of tiles at CR portion 100%, Skim coating 98%, Applying of power mix (water proofing) at fire wall 100% and Removing of scaffold/protection at fire wall 100%.

Next week, here are the scheduled activities: Continuation of steel stair installation, Installation of spandrel, Installation of roofing, Carpentry works, Tile works and Ceiling works.

In a short time, we will soon see this house come out of the picture. We just can’t wait to take snap shots of this house for us to post in our facebook pages and websites. Of course, the purpose of this is for all of you to see the result of our work. Updates soonish!

Update: Vista Verde Village Project 2

Anxious. Not anxious in a negative way but in a positive way. We’ve been working on this project at Vista Verde Village for almost 6 months now and we just can’t wait to see the result of our efforts. Exciting!

Updates regarding this house, as of last two weeks, the following were done:

Stone works 65%
-Installation of roofing 100%
-Installation of railing at stairs 90%
-Tapping at parapet 100%
-Tapping at stairs 100%
-Tapping at 2nd floor slab (preparation for wood plunks) 75%
-Ceiling works 97%
-Panganto 100%

And as for this week, these are the following accomplishments:

-Tapping at 2nd floor slab (preparation for wood plunks) 100%
Skim coating 98%
-Smoothing on stairs (preparation for step board) 100%
-Installation of railings at stairs 100%
-Farring works 100%
-Ceiling works 100%
Electrical works 60%
-Installation of door jambs 100%
-Stone works 95%

Next week, here are the lined-up activities: Carpentry works, Painting works, Electrical works and Tile works. Just a little work and this two-storey house is finished. HomeChoice Planners is excited to post photos and updates of this house. And of course, we are just so eager to turn over this house to the owner as soon as it’s done. Vista Verde Village, prepare to welcome this house soon!

Update: Philam-Life Village Project 1

Motivation. Everybody needs this to keep them going. And as for us, what keeps us motivated? It’s the presence of our Father Almighty. Seeking for His presence is what keeps us on the go. Knowing that He is always there for us, guiding us in every tasks and work gives us the strength to keep on moving.

With this, the more we are motivated to work with this house construction at Philam-Life Village. There are a lot of things already that we were able to do for this project. Just like two weeks ago, we were able to do the following:

-CHB filling 98%
Plastering 65%
-Installation of door jambs 45%
Panganto 20%

Sometime two weeks ago, some of the workers were transferred to the Pueblo Golf Estates Project 1 for pouring of slab and also at Bellevue Subdivision Project for the pouring of slab carport.

As for this week, these are the following activities that were done:

-CHB filling 100%
-Plastering 80%
-Panganto 35%
-Installation of door jambs 90%
-Installation of forms at stairs 100%

For next week, we have to do the following: Skim coating, Farring works, Installation of reinforcement at stairs, pouring of slab at carport, pouring of concrete stairs and Installation of steel trusses. Updates will be posted soonish. Photos will be included also. Until then!

Update: Pueblo Golf Estates Project 1

Awesome. This description best fits to the house construction that we’re working on at Pueblo Golf Estates. The Pueblo Golf Estates Project 1 is so far, one of the biggest house constructions that we’ve handled. With this project, it’s time that we spread our wings and take our work to the next level. It’s high time that we expand our abilities and see what other things that we are capable to do of.

As of last two weeks update, the activities that we’ve done are as follows:

-Installation forms 100%
Pouring of 2nd floor slab 100%

And for this week we are now on the curing of concrete slab 2nd floor. As to the other activities for this house construction that needs to be accomplished, we’ll just keep you all informed.

We are all giddy and excited to see this house in its physical form. It will take us 6 months long to be able to finish this enormous house but with hard work and labor, this will be done in no time. Soon, this project will be another masterpiece of HomeChoice Planners. It will also be an attention catcher at Pueblo Golf Estates because of its unique design and specifications.

So, for those families who wanted to realize their dream house, choose us, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. It would be a great privilege for us to serve you. Because there’s no other choice but HomeChoice Planners.

Vista Verde Village Project 3 Update

Inspiration. This is what we need to be able to perform well with our tasks. And we get this from the Lord Almighty and from our clients. We are inspired to work because of the blessings that the Lord has showered upon us. We also get inspiration from our clients because without them, we couldn’t have these projects.

Another project that we are working with is this two-storey house at Vista Verde Village. This would be our 3rd project in Vista Verde Village. Specifications of this house would be the following: 4 bedrooms, 3 toilet and baths, lanai, balcony, garage, dirty kitchen, living, dining and kitchen areas. This house will stand on a 187 square meter lot and it has a floor area of 143 square meters.

Here are the following accomplishments for the last two weeks:

– Excavation 100%
-Installation of scaffoldings 60%
Fabricating/Installation of reinforcement for footing and columns 65%

As for this week, here are the following activities:

– Installation of forms 100%
-Installation of scaffoldings 100%
-Installation of reinforcement for slab and beams 100%
-Preparation for electrical works 100%

For next week’s activity, we will be working with the pouring of 2nd floor slab. There are a lot of things to work on with this house construction and we just can’t wait to post all of the developments.

HomeChoice Planners is just very grateful to work with clients who trust in our service. We are thankful to the Lord Almighty for the blessings. Indeed, an inspiration to our company.