
“Pamalandong 2012”: A Holy Week Activity of HomeChoice Planners

Lenten Season. It’s the time where in we take time to reflect upon our sins. The season that we think back of the things that Jesus Christ has sacrificed for our salvation. During this week also, we witness the different things that people do to repay all the sacrifices that the son of our God has done.

Tradition it is, every Holy Week we can see some people doing sacrifices also; walking with their knees and praying at the same time, doing the way of the cross and the renowned crucifixion. Each and every one of us has varied ways in showing their repentance and reflection.

And we at HomeChoice Planners conducted a program last April 4, 2012 as our holy week activity. The program was held at the ‘bodega’ and it was attended by the construction workers and office staffs of our company. We invited the CDO First Assembly of God Church to minister the program. We were honored to have Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, the senior pastor of CDO FAOG, who shared to us the word of God. Ptr. Walter Richie and Ptr. Lloyd Yana were present also. It was a short program but we’re satiated; in a sense that we were filled with so much learning about the word of the Lord.

Ptr. Elpie discussed to us about so many things, but one thing that hit me and would like to share was this message:

“It is finished!” John 19:30 – The seventh and last word of Jesus Christ before His death. It tells us that all of our sins have already been paid. The son of God sacrificed His self carrying all the burdens of this world and died on that cross. Jesus Christ did all of these because of His unconditional love for us.

We need not have to sacrifice and hurt ourselves in order to pay back what Jesus Christ did for us. The message clearly said that everything’s done and finished. Jesus Christ announces here that all of our sins are taken away. All our guilt that should have been imputed to us but was imputed to Him was taken care of. Jesus Christ announced so that all could hear that our salvation is won and our sins are forgiven.

In return for His unconditional love, the righteous thing that we have to do is to love Him back. Worship Him and acknowledge His presence every day of our lives. Be reminded that He is the only risen King. The Lord Jesus Christ is a complete Savior. He is a sovereign Savior. We should remain and be faithful to Him and His words.

And so, we should be thankful and grateful to all the things he has done to our lives. How lucky we are to be the children of God, we are graced with so many blessings. As for our company, we too are thankful for all the great things that He has bestowed upon us. The Lord Almighty being our foundation and partner in the business is what makes us successful.

Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Services

It just keeps on coming! Greater blessings do come when we least expect it. Our company is really grateful with all these projects that come in our way. God is so good that he just keeps on showering our company with so many blessings.

As a protocol, I must say, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication is conducted with these new projects. For the past weeks, three Groundbreaking and Lot dedication ceremonies were held at different subdivisions. They are as follows:

March 18, 2012: Groundbreaking service of the Morning Mist Village Project 1.

April 3, 2012: Menzi Orchard Residences Project 2 Groundbreak at Damilag, Bukidnon.

April 8, 2012: The Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication of Xavier Estates Project 4 took place.

Each Groundbreaking ceremony was attended by the family concerned. The HomeChoice Planners family was present as well. All of the services held were officiated by the CDO First Assembly of God Church.

I should say that the ceremonies rendered to our clients were done successfully. We could see how glad they were to have their property blessed and also eager to start with the construction of their dream house. We had a great time with all of the ceremonies but we had the most fun at the Groundbreaking service of Menzi Orchard Residences Project 2. As for me, I really enjoyed it because it’s my first time to visit Bukidnon. I just fell in love with the place; I like the peace and tranquility over there. That day was a blast! After the ceremony, we went to the viewing deck and stayed up there for a little while; enjoying and appreciating the beauty of the place.

To our dearest clients, thank you for your trust. We’re really overwhelmed because you have chosen us to build and realize your dream house. Big thanks also to the Lord Almighty for his never ending grace to our company. With this, we continue to be a blessing unto others.

Project Kisanlu: House Blessing and Turn-over

And it was done! Months of waiting for this project at Kisanlu; and now, the time has come! After almost 7 months of working for this house construction, it is now finished. This is another project that we’re proud of its completion. It’s an added achievement for HomeChoice Planners and Construction.

The most awaited part of this project happened last March 11, 2012. On the said date, the house was turned over to the Ocer family and at the same time held their house blessing. The house was turned over in its complete state; 100% complete in all areas, interiorly and exteriorly. Include also the water and electric connections.

Together with the turn-over, house blessing was also set for that day. It is just essential that with every blessing that the Almighty Lord has bestowed upon us, we must acknowledge it. Thanking Him with all the grace He has given to us. Now that the Ocer family was given a blessing, that is realizing their dream house, they return the favor by this house blessing ceremony. It is their way of saying thanks to the Lord and acknowledging His presence.

In behalf of the HomeChoice Planners, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the family who in one way trusted the services that our company renders. It’s a pleasure for us to serve as a tool in realizing your dream house. And to those who want to build their desired house, it’ll be a privilege for us to assist and help you. Choose us, because there’s no other choice but HomeChoice Planners.

Xavier Estates Project 1: Groundbreaking, Lot Dedication and Lay-out

It’s a first! This certain project that we have at Xavier Estates is our first house construction in this high end subdivision. We are just glad to share this great news because we know that this is a construction to be watched out for. And just like every new project that we’re having, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service is a must.

Last March 8 and 10, the Columna family held their Groundbreaking and Lay-out at Xavier Estates. The Lay-out is done for us to know the schematic arrangement of parts for the house. The lay-out activity was attended by the Columna family, HomeChoice Planners and Construction family and the First Assembly of God church family. Before the Lay-out, Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, ministered the prayer service. The prayer was meant to bless the place and the lot before starting a construction.

HomeChoice Planners will be working on this project for six months or so. There are a lot of things that is needed to work on before seeing this house in its physical form. But hey! Time is running fast and soon this house will be seen standing in this beautiful subdivision. It’s a house that we’re proud to work on because this is our first house construction at Xavier Estates.

To the Columna family, thank you for choosing HomeChoice Planners. We’re grateful for this opportunity that you have given to us. The chance to build our very first house construction in this subdivision; and that is your dream house. For developments of this project, we’ll just keep you all updated. Again, thank you!

New Projects: Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication

First quarter is near to its conclusion; HomeChoice Planners and Construction is still on the go! New Projects came in at the last minute of the first quarter and we are just so pleased with these endeavor. And in line with these new projects, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication is done. This ceremony is a protocol before constructing a house. And just last week, three services of the Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication were held at different venues.

First up; the Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service of the Abungan family at Vista Verde Village last March 8, 2012. The ceremony was officiated by Ptr. Walter Richie and Ptr. Roger Ruiz of the First Assembly of God church. It was attended by the HomeChoice Planners family and First Assembly of God family. Due to some emergency reasons, the Abungan family wasn’t able to attend the said ceremony.

Last March 9 and 10, 2012, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication services were held at Xavier Estates and Vista Verde Village. The projects were owned by the Peligrino and Mejica family, respectively. Each ceremony was ministered by Ptr. Walter Richie and Ptr. Roger Ruiz. During the ceremony at Vista Verde Village, we were privileged to have Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, the senior pastor of First Assembly of God church to officiate the ceremony. HomeChoice Planners family, First Assembly of God church family and the family concerned in each service were present in the said ceremonies.

The ceremonies held last week was done successfully. Each family was showered with blessing from the Almighty Father for their desire and that is their dream house. Our company was also graced with blessing from the Lord before building our client’s dream house. It is such an honor for us to be able to realize the dream house of our clients. And so with this, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the families mentioned above. Thank you for trusting HomeChoice Planners and Construction!

Update: Kisanlu Project

This project at Kisanlu can now be included in the list of our achievements. This house is almost complete, we’re just working on some finishing touches then it’s ready to be turned-over to the owner. For updates on this project, last week, we’re able to work on the following things:

-Installation of railings at gate and at the back portion 100%
-Painting works 75%
-Electrical works 75%
-Applying of water proofing (power mix) at fire wall 100%

As for this week’s activities, the following were done:

-Electrical works 100%
-Painting works 100%
-Clearing 90%

Next week’s activity would be the exciting part as it is scheduled for the turn-over of the house. HomeChoice Planners & Construction is thankful to the owner of the house as they had trusted our services in building their desired house. This is another project that needs to be proud of because of the good outcome. All the hard work’s been paid off. Thanks to the Lord Almighty who guided us in making this project a successful one. Updates on this project will soon be posted, photos included as well.

Update: Golden Glow Village Project 1

HomeChoice Planners & Construction has been working for this project in Golden Glow Village for almost 7 months now. Within this almost 7months of work, a lot of things have done and a lot of developments can be seen. Last week, we were able to do the following activities:

-Ceiling works 55%
-Carpentry works 45%
Tile works 95%
-Installation of wood tiles 100%
-Glass works 45%
-Roofing works 100%
-Installation of door jambs 100%

For this week’s developments, we were able to work on the following:

-Ceiling works 90%
-Painting works 50%
-Carpentry works 90%
Grinding of wood tiles 100%
-Glass works 90%
Fence works 50%
-Installation of partition at attic 90%

The lined-up activities for next week are as follows: continuation of Painting works, Carpentry works, Glass works, Electrical works and Fence works. This project is almost near to its completion and we just cannot wait to see the finish product of this project. We couldn’t thank enough the family who trusted us to realize their dream house. It is our great pleasure to serve them. As to the other accomplishments to this project, we’ll just keep you all posted!

Philam-Life Village Project 1 Update

Family. It is the most fundamental of all social groups, a basic social institution at the very care of society. In our company, family is important because the values institutionalized in a family have long been regarded as important enough to warrant strong measures. And because we at HomeChoice Planners treat each other as family, we have strong bond and ties in our company. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and it is but right that we call ourselves as family. And this value that we have, we also extend it to our clients.

The clients that we had, we consider them as part of our family already. In a family, you would do things that would benefit the most to your family. You want to serve and please them with the things that they desire. That’s what we do here in our company, for better service to our clients we make sure that we build their house according to their desires.

Just like this house construction that we have at Philam-Life Village, we work on things according to the family’s plan. To be true to them, we keep them updated through posting photos as to the developments to their house. And as to the developments of this house, last week we were able to work on the following:

Panganto 70%
-Installation of steel truss 100%
-Pouring of stairs 100%
-Installation of railings at terrace 100%

As for this week, the activities done are as follows:

Skim coating 65%
Plastering 100%
Faring works 40%
Panganto 95%
Roofing works 70%

Next week, we have plans on continuing its Skim coating and do the Faring works, Panganto and Roofing works. Other developments of this project will be posted soon. Photos will also be posted on this site and on our facebook pages. Do check it out guys!

Pueblo Golf Estates Project 1: Construction Update

Service is another value that our company acknowledges. Honesty in rendering service is a priority as this would result in giving the best services to our clients. One of those honest and best services that we do is informing and updating our clients with the following things that we’ve done with their dream house.

Like this project that we have at Pueblo Golf Estates, we give our honest service with this project by doing the appropriate things and posting updates for our client’s welfare. And as to the enhancements of this project, last week these things were done:

CHB filling 20%
-Removing of scaffolding 100%
-Installation of reinforcement for stairs 100%
-Installation of reinforcement for column 2nd floor 100%

With regards to this week’s updates, we were able to work on the following:

-Installation forms for columns 100%
-Installation of forms for roof beam 100%
-Pouring of columns 2nd floor 100%
-CHB filling 40%

Next week, we have plans on working for the Pouring of roof beam and Pouring of stairs. Photos and other activities for this project will soon be posted. Just wait and see!

Golden Glow Village Project 2 Update

Trust is a value that should be treasured. Our company values trust because we believe that fundamental honesty is the keystone of business. If we are honest towards to other people then we can be a trustworthy person. That’s what we practice here in our company; we render good and honest services to our clients because trust important to us. With these honest services, we would be able to deliver true facts and information to our dear clients.

How can our clients trust the harvest, unless they see it sown? The main reason why we keep on posting updates regarding our different construction projects. It’s for the clients to see the developments on their house.

Just like this Golden Glow Village Project 2, we see to it that we post every accomplishment that we have done with this house. And speaking about accomplishments, last week we were able to do the 70% Excavation and 40% Installation of scaffoldings. For this week’s enhancements, the following were done:

-Excavation 100%
-Installation of scaffoldings 80%
-Installation of reinforcement for columns 100%
Electrical preparation 100%
-Pouring of concrete footing 15%
-Installation of forms 40%

As for next week’s planned activities, these are the things that should be done:

-Continuation of scaffold installation
Pouring of concrete footing
-Installation of forms
Pouring of 2nd floor slab

The updates that we keep on posting as to the developments of our projects are what we have sown. And we do this for the clients to trust the harvest. So for other updates, it will soon be posted. Photos are included as well. Until then!