
Kisanlu Project 2: Groundbreak and Lot Dedication

Another house in the making! It’s also an addition to HomeChoice Planners’ list of new projects. We’ve seen the architectural design of this certain project and we just can’t wait to see it in its physical form. And just like any new projects that we have, a groundbreaking and dedication of the lot is done.

August 11, 2012; the ceremonial groundbreaking and lot dedication was conducted. It was held in Kisanlu Subdivision at the Pahuyo’s Residence. This certain construction that we’ll be working on is a renovation project. The then bungalow house of the family will soon be seen as a two-storey house. With its great design; a customized modern designed house, it will surely be a house to watch out for.

HomeChoice Planners is excited to work on this project. For sure, the Pahuyo family is excited as well because in six or seven month’s time, they will be transferring to a new and bigger house. It is not only a house that they will be transferring to but also a home; an environment that offers affection and security.

This project is indeed another blessing from the Father Almighty. HomeChoice Planners is really grateful for the continuous blessing that we get to receive from God. We would also like to thank the Pahuyo family, who has given us this opportunity to build and realize their dream house.

Full swing construction will start soon. We’ll keep you all posted with whatever the developments of this project would be. Until then!

Customer Appreciation Dinner II

The first Customer Appreciation Dinner was a success and so HomeChoice Planners has yet again conducted a dinner party. And we are just so pleased with the outcome of the second Customer Appreciation Dinner; it was a successful one as well.

It was held last 28th of July at Golf Estates Red Brick Restaurant; attended by those clients who have responded to our invitation. Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon of CDO First Assembly of God church together with its members was invited also; as they were the ones who ministered in the fellowship part of the program. In the event, we gave out tokens to show our sincerest gratitude for the client’s trust in our company. We also thanked our clients for making our vision possible; that because of their help, we were able to be a blessing unto others.

We are overwhelmed with the testimonies that some of our clients have shared during the dinner party. With their testimonies, the more we are motivated to work harder with our on-going and new projects. It served as an inspiration for us to perform well with our tasks and to render good services to our past and future clients.

The dinner party ended up in prosperity. The attendees had a nice time and we are happy with the favorable outcome of the event. We, at HomeChoice Planners would like to extend our utmost gratitude to our valued clients. Thank you for the trust and we hope to see you again in our next functions and activities.

The First Customer Appreciation Dinner

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has been in the industry for seven years already. In these seven years, a lot has been done; more than 50 houses were built, more than 50 dreams has come into realization and more than 50 families has been given not just a house but a home.

It has been a tough start for HomeChoice Planners but being in the service for seven years now, it has grown into a more competent company. The company wouldn’t be as progressive as it is now without the help and trust of the clients; the families who has so much faith and belief with our work. And also, gave us the opportunity to build their dream house.

As a way of showing our gratefulness to those families, our company conducted a Customer Appreciation Dinner last 14th of July at Pueblo Golf Estates Red Brick Restaurant. It was a gathering for our past clients, thanking them for their contribution in the success of our company. It’s also a way of expressing our sincerest gratitude to their trust and reliance with our company’s service.

Show them that by working together with us, we were able to make our vision possible: “Blessed to be a blessing”. That whatever blessings we may receive, we heartily share it unto others; by doing medical missions, conduct mass weddings, child dedication services, love drive and a lot more. Through these blessings, it has also helped in fulfilling our agents dream lists; and see our workers with their families in a better state.

In the said dinner party, we invited the Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, Ptr. Daniel Garner, Ptr. Lloyd Yana and other members of the CDO First Assembly of God Church to minister a little fellowship and also entertain us with inspirational songs. We have prepared a video presentation and tokens of appreciation to better show our clients our deepest gratitude.

HomeChoice Planners is overwhelmed with the success of the event. We are glad to see that the clients who have attended had a great time and appreciated our endeavor. For those who have attended the party, again, thank you so much! This event is not the last but just the first of the so many dinner parties that we will be conducting. And we are looking forward for the next batch of clients for the next appreciation party. See you all on the next Customer Appreciation Dinner! Together we can achieve more!

Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication: Pueblo Golf Estates Project 2

Desire. Each one of us has desires that we aim to fulfill. For these dreams to realize, we all work hard for it. Try and try until you succeed as what they say. And of course, discerning from the Lord Almighty; this is the right thing to do. With these, one man’s dream was able to come into realization.

The man that I was talking about is the man behind HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. He once dreamed of having his own business, help other people and give his family a good life and now, all of these, he was able to achieve it. It wouldn’t be possible without the help and guidance from the Almighty Father. Also, with his optimistic view of life and strong belief in his self, he was able to reach his desires.

One of his dreams is to build a house for his family. He dreamed of a house that would serve as a shelter for his family; through sunny and stormy weathers. Last July 7, 2012, this desire has been fulfilled. They had a Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Service that was headed by CDO First Assembly of God Church. The service was ministered by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon. It was also attended by Ptr. Roger Ruiz, Ptr. Lloyd Yana and Ptr. Daniel Garner. The church members, staff of RPM Realty and HomeChoice Planners and other relatives are present as well.

After the ceremony, the concerned family shared a testimony about their life. It was a heartfelt story and we were touched by it. They also gave us words of encouragement for us to never give up with our dreams, because in the right time, it will be provided with us by the Lord Almighty.

This ceremony is just the beginning of the fulfillment of his dreams. This dream does not only mean building a house but also creating a home. Home: to give his family an environment that offers affection and security. We are just eager to see the construction in motion and we can’t wait to post updates on this. Until next update!

Second Quarter Projects: Groundbreak and Lot Dedication Service

Goodbye first quarter, hello second quarter! Time runs so fast, gone are the months for the first quarter and now we are on the second quarter of this year. The first quarter for us was a blast. We were so blessed with so many projects, thinking that it would be enough already. But we thought it all wrong, because for this quarter, we are again showered with amazing projects. And we have God to thank for all of these.

We are proud to include these following projects in our list with the respective dates of their Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication service:

June 8, 2012 – Golden Glow North Project 2
June 29, 2012 – Villanueva Xavier Estates Project 5
July 2, 2012 – InahZach Hillsborough Pointe Project 4

Each ceremony was officiated by the CDO First Assembly of God Church. It was attended by the concerned families as well as their friends and relatives. Even the staffs of HomeChoice Planners were present to witness the dedication.

Thanks to the families for giving us the opportunity to build and realize their dream house. We are definitely eager to start all of these projects and I know the families are feeling the same as well. It really is exciting to see these projects in progress. Updates and other developments will be posted soon. Hasta Entonces!

Village of Hope: Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Service

Hope – a simple word but conveys a deep meaning. Hope could mean our aspirations and dreams in life; it could also be your faith in something; as well as your belief in someone. This word expresses a lot of powerful thoughts.

HomeChoice Planners is up for a new project and I must say that this one’s different; it’s special. Special in a way that this certain project is dedicated for the survivors of typhoon Sendong. This project is in partnership of the Institute for Foundational Learning (IFL), CDO First Assembly of God Church and Cagayan de Oro Gospel Church.

The project is named as Village of Hope. The project name intends to give us a message that there’s hope after what had happened. Letting us know that there is always a rainbow after the rain. In every calamity or problem that we have experienced, there is always a solution and a ray of hope. The name of the project says it all.

Last 6th of June, together with the CDO First Assembly of God Church, we conducted a Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Service at Mambuaya; the place where the Village of Hope will stand. Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon ministered the ceremony. It is just vital that we offer and lift this project up to the name of the Lord Almighty. The said service was participated by the staff of HomeChoice Planners, members of the CDO FAOG Church and also with the other concerned partners.

The ceremony ended well and we are all eager to see the outcome of this amazing project. We just can’t wait to witness the finished product as this project is for a good cause. With all the success that the Almighty Father has graced upon us, it’s high time that we also share this to others. Because we are blessed to be a blessing, it’s just essential to be a blessing unto others. Updates and other developments with this project will be posted soon. Until then!

Philam-Life Village Project 1: Turn-over and House Blessing

It’s just fulfilling to see that we have yet accomplished another construction project. We’re happy to inform that this certain project that we’ve been working for almost seven months is officially done. We are also honored to be a tool in realizing the dream house of this amazing family.

On May 31, 2012, the newly built house at Philam-Life Village has turned over to the Ignacio family. At the same time, they conducted their house blessing. They invited their family and friends to witness the unveiling and blessing of their humble abode. A pastor from their church officiated in the blessing of the house, but before the blessing, he shared to us words of wisdom that is worth pondering to. Words telling us that each one of us is blessed by the Almighty Father big time. The Lord God created us in this world not to suffer but to enjoy and appreciate all the things that is intended for us.

HomeChoice Planners is indeed grateful for this fulfilled project. Seeing the satisfaction and smiles plastered on the faces of the concerned family is worth all the effort and hard work that we have put onto this project. Thank you to the Ignacio family who in one way put their trust in us to build their house. Thank you for believing in our abilities to realize your dream house. Big thanks also to our loving Almighty Father who continually blessed us with so many projects. All of our success, we lift it up to Him.

HomeChoice Planners’ Sports Fest 2012

Let the games begin! As part of the recreational activities for our workers, HomeChoice Planners came up with an idea of having a sports fest for the benefit of our workers. This would not only take their time off from work but serves also an exercise to stretch out their muscles from the heavy work.

The sports fest was a two day activity that was held last May 18 and 19 at Montana Vista’s clubhouse and basketball court. On the first day, before the opening of the games, we conducted a fellowship wherein we acknowledged the presence of the Almighty Father for the success of the event. We also invited a member of the CDO First Assembly of God Church, namely Mr. Rey Asuncion; who’s a sports enthusiast as well to share words of encouragement to the workers. He then disclosed to us a very nice speech about the importance of team building and teamwork.

After the fellowship, the game proper was formally opened. For a start, the workers were grouped according to their specialized skills. A lot of games were prepared for the activity. Secondary games such as message relay and pinoy henyo were included in the game list just for a warm up. For the main games, basketball and dart were played. The first day of the sports fest was a revel one. It kept us waiting and looking forward for the next day’s activity and that is the championship game.

Day two, everybody is braced on their seats and is on thrilling mode as they eagerly watched the championship games for basketball and dart. At the end of the day, the Moulding Team brought home the trophy and named as the champions of the basketball game. The second place went to the Filing Team and third place to the Structural Team led by Foreman Paul. In the dart competition, the following were able to bring home the bacon: Randy Calunsag got the first place, Bebencio Apao as the second placer and third place went to Gilbert Tizon.

Awarding ceremony was held in the ‘bodega’ the following Monday morning just right after the bible study. The two day sports fest was a fun filled event. The HomeChoice Planners staff and construction workers, as well as the spectators had a great time and all are looking forward for another event like this. Congratulations to all the participants and winners of the sports fest. God speed!

Hillsborough Pointe Project 3: Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication

Last but not the least – we get to hear this always in a competition or any programs. This phrase is just fitting to this new construction project that we have. It’s the last construction project for the first quarter but definitely not the least; as this would be built in one of the high end subdivisions here in the uptown area – Hillsborough Pointe.

This Hillsborough Pointe Project 3 had its Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication Service last April 20, 2012. The said event was attended by the concerned family and the HomeChoice Planners family. The service was ministered by Ptr. Lloyd Yana together with his First Assembly of God Church family.

Just to give a little information about this project; this is a two-storey house with a lot area of 180 square meters and a floor area of 172 square meters. Specifications of the house are as follows: 5 bedrooms, 2 toilet and baths, kitchen, living and dining areas. The balcony, family area, breakfast nook, lanai, garage and laundry area are included as well. With its specs, everybody is just eager to see this house in its physical form.

It’s another project of ours in Hillsborough Pointe and we’re just overwhelmed with all of these blessings coming in our way. Surely, the Ucang family is excited to see their dream house come into realization. And of course, we’re also excited about it because it is just so amazing to see the smiles of the clients that we’re able to help off with their dreams. Soon, we’ll be posting developments of this project; so you all just and wait see. Until then!

Project Buerano: House Turn-Over

It’s official! The house that we’ve been working on at Golden Glow Village is now done. We’ve worked on it for 6 months or so, and now it’s finished! The house was officially turned over to the Buerano family last week.

April 12, 2012 – a date to remember for the Buerano family. The two-storey house with its complete state was turned over to them. What a perfect timing to spend their summer! It’ll be spending it on their new abode. Staycation is what they’ll be having I guess, because it would be so much fun to have bonding moments with the family. In a way that while they’re unpacking and arranging new things and furniture for their house, they could also have more time to bond and talk with each other.

On the said date, the staffs of HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation together with the concerned family were present. We handed the keys of the house to the owner and let them have a check on it. It was a short meeting with the family but we had a great time. It was fulfilling to see them happy with the outcome of their house.

This newly done house at Golden Glow Village is another fulfilling project of our company. It’s going to be listed in our hall of achievements. Thanks to the family who trusted us in building their dream house. Thank you also to our dear construction workers whose hands were responsible in building the house and all the people behind this project. And of course, a very big thanks to the Lord Almighty for the guidance and protection.