
Xavier Estates’ New Projects

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation is up working with the newest projects at Xavier Estates. These projects are the company’s 6th and 8th house construction in the said high-end subdivision. And with these projects, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication comes in.

Two weeks ago, the following Groundbreaking services were held at Xavier Estates:

– November 15, 2012: Xavier Estates Project 8
– November 17, 2012: Xavier Estates Project 6

The above mentioned groundbreaking and lot dedication services were ministered by the CDO First Assembly of God Church. The staffs of HomeChoice Planners, agents of RPM Realty and family concerned were present in the said event to witness the formal dedication of the lot.

HomeChoice Planners is continuously prospering and we owe it all to the Almighty Father. We also have the clients to thank for; entrusting us to build their dream house is a great privilege for us, so thank you so much! Thank you for believing in our services.

Surely, the owners of the said projects are eager to see their house in its physical form. Well, we are too! For updates, you can visit our facebook page and see the developments of these projects. Weekly updates and developments of the different house construction projects that we have are posted there so just visit and like our page. Until then!

HCP Workers Donates Blood

October 6, 2012 – another remarkable day for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation as they had conducted their very first blood drive. In partnership with the Philippine Red Cross CDO Chapter, the bloodletting activity turned out to be a success. The eventful day happened at the HomeChoice Planners’ warehouse and was joined by staffs and workers of the company.

We are overwhelmed with the number of workers who decided to donate their own blood in place of saving other people’s lives. It is the company’s very first blood drive and we are so glad with the twenty one workers who willingly donated blood.

Blood, as we all know, plays a vital role in our body. It is important because it serves as a tool for us humans to be able to function well. The presence of blood in one’s system is essential because of the functions that it plays in the human body. It is responsible in the maintenance of our body temperature; protects us against foreign substances and in the clot formation as well. Our blood also helps us in the transport of nutrients, gases and waste products.

Donating blood is a way of alleviating human suffering. This activity is conducted as many people are in need of blood and suffering from different conditions. That’s why we at HomeChoice Planners decided to be part of this activity because we wanted to be an advocate in alleviating human suffering; that in our own little way, we could act as heroes in saving people’s lives.

To the Philippine Red Cross CDO Chapter, thank you for collaborating with us in making this activity possible. Thank you also to our staffs and construction workers who became donors of the said blood drive. With the successful outcome, expect that we will make this bloodletting program an annual activity in our company. Let us continue in saving more lives. Let’s donate blood.

Workers’ Team Building Activity

May the odds be ever in your favor! The first thing that popped into my mind when I heard of the team building activity that our workers will be having. It’s a line from the famous movie, The Hunger Games. In the movie, it showed us how to cooperate with your partner or teammates to be able to win in the competition; survival of the fittest as what they say.

We, at HomeChoice Planners did our very own version of The Hunger Games; well, minus the killing part. Ha ha! Last September 29, 2012 at Bethany Beach House, the HomeChoice Planners’ Team Building Activity took place. homechoice-team-buildingIt was an activity intended for our construction workers to measure their patience and cooperation when it comes in working with their own team. Before we proceeded to the said activity, Water Baptism was conducted first. It’s a pleasure to see that four of our construction workers have decided to follow and receive Jesus Christ in their lives. What a fulfillment! We thank God for this grace as He has touched yet another person’s heart; four person’s heart as I may say.

After the water baptism, the program proper then followed. The construction workers were grouped according to their specialized skills such as the Filing team, Structural team and Molding team, to name a few. team-buildingAnd those formed teams were the ones who competed with each other. We have prepared four challenges for the workers. Each challenge has different goals and lessons to learn. The challenges with its respective winners are as follows: Pipe Line game – Structural 2 Team; Water Boys challenge – Plastering Team; Catwalk – Plastering Team and lastly the Builder’s Challenge – Plastering Team. The Plastering Team was the one crowned as over-all champion since they were able to win in 3 out of 4 challenges. Kudos to their team!

workers-team-building-2012It was such a remarkable event for the workers as they had a great time working with their respective teams. The workers enjoyed and learned a lot from the challenges given to them. Lessons learned from each challenges are of great use to them as they can apply it in their work. And so to the workers, thank you for your participation; it is much appreciated. Congratulations to the winning teams! Though the odds went with the favor of the Plastering Team; we would still like to congratulate and acknowledge the other teams for being a good sport. And to that, Cheers to all of us!

Children’s Feeding Program

Nutrition is an essential aspect that we humans should be concerned of. It is very important for everyone because nutrition is the nourishment that our body needs. Having the right nutrition means being able to work and perform well with our activities of daily living. Knowing what benefits it would give us for having the right nutrition, this is important most especially to the children. It is linked to the aspects of their growth and development that is responsible for the factors directed to their health as adults.

As part of the health monitoring program that HomeChoice Planners has implemented upon the workers, the company then came up to another program that is of help to the workers’ children. Last Saturday, September 22, 2012, a feeding program was conducted at the company’s warehouse. The feeding program started around 3:00 in the afternoon and it was attended by the HomeChoice Planners workers’ sons and daughters.

The program was headed by our company nurse, Ms. Lenny Tamo-o, wherein she prepared some games, educational videos and nutritious food to the children. We all know how important good nutrition is to the children; that’s why HomeChoice Planners decided to conduct this feeding program. It is to share to the children and their parents what the nutritious foods that they should prepare and eat; also, to share to them insights on why good and right nutrition is essential to our life.

We are so glad with the program’s success. The kids and their parents had a really great time. They went home carrying the things that they have learned from the said program. With the great outcome of the activity, HomeChoice Planners is looking forward for yet another program that would be of great help to the welfare of the workers and their respective families. Kudos!

Hillsborough Pointe Project 1: Turn-over and House Blessing

Here’s yet another accomplishment from HomeChoice Planners. The Johnsen project at Hillsborough Pointe is now over and done. This two-storey project can now be seen physically in one of the upper middle subdivisions here in the Pueblo de Oro Township.

The dream house of the Johnsen family was turned over last September 22, 2012. In the same day, they held their house blessing. The blessing of the house was officiated by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon of the CDO First Assembly of God church. Other relatives and friends of the concerned family were present in the blessing; the staffs of HomeChoice Planners and members of the CDO FAOG church were present also. A satisfying dinner then followed after the blessing of the house.

It was an awesome celebration because finally the family can enjoy staying in their new humble abode. It’s also a thanksgiving offered to our Savior for the great blessings that he has showered upon the Johnsen family and also to our company.

HomeChoice Planners would like to thank the Johnsen family for entrusting us in turning their dream house into reality. We are grateful for being a tool in realizing the family’s dream. To the Lord Almighty, thank you so much for the amazing things that you have given to us. Cheers to us!

HCP Workers’ Health Watch

Prevention is better than cure. Health is wealth; cliché as these sayings may sound, but it still conveys a cautionary advice for our health. Health is defined as the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. It’s the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. Thus, being healthy is vital for every human being.

It is but right that each one of us wants to have a healthy life. Being healthy is one of our key to success as this would give us the strength and energy to work productively. We are always on the go with our work because our mind and body is in its best condition to think and move.

And as concerned citizens of health, our company came up with a program that would be of great help to our workers’ health condition. With the idea and guidance of our company nurse, Ms. Lenny; HomeChoice Planners started to conduct a clinic drive every Monday, where in we check and measure the temperature, blood pressure, height and weight of our workers. This program is really a big help in monitoring our workers’ health condition. We not only monitor their vital signs but we also give health teachings to them. The company nurse educates them of the safety measures that they should be practicing in order to prevent accidents and other injuries at the construction site.

HomeChoice Planners is grateful for the presence of our company nurse as there would now be a health advocate on duty whenever there are emergency situations. Whatever is the workers purpose; be it consultation, vital signs monitoring and wound dressing; our company nurse is present to cater them. Ensuring a good health to our workers is what we aim that’s why we conducted this kind of program. And as what they say, health is wealth; so, for them to be able to have a productive life, being free from illness and injury is a must. Live a Healthy Life!

Upcoming Project at Xavier Estates

New project is waiting in queue at Xavier Estates. HomeChoice Planners proudly introduces this soon to be built bungalow house in one of the high end subdivisions here in Cagayan de Oro City. This would be our seventh construction project in Xavier Estates and we are grateful for this yet another blessing.

As always, before we start building a house, Groundbreaking and Lot dedication is done. Last September 8, 2012, the said ceremony was held at Xavier Estates. It was ministered by the CDO First Assembly of God Church; the family concerned was present as well as the HomeChoice Planners’ family.

This one-storey house will soon be included in HomeChoice Planners’ list of achievements. With its customized design, it will surely be an added attraction to the subdivision. We’re excited to start with the construction and see the following specifications of the house: master’s bedroom with walk-in closet and toilet and bath, guest room, maid’s room, living, dining, kitchen and service areas; include also the porch, lanai and carport.

It will be so great to see this project in full swing construction soon. The family is definitely excited about this project as they would soon be staying in their dream house. Our company is excited as well as we will be able to help another family’s dream turn into realization. So to the Misa family; thank you for this opportunity. It’s of our great pleasure to render you our service in building your house.

Updates regarding this project will be posted as soon as the construction starts. The developments of this project can be checked on our website and facebook page.

The Baptism 2012

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded on you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19, 20

HomeChoice Planners and Construction Company wouldn’t be where it has reached right now without the guidance of the Lord Almighty. Four years ago, the company decided to minister a Bible Study every Monday morning for the workers. It’s a way of sharing God’s words and teachings to them; showing them what is the reason behind the company’s success. Letting them see that by listening and abiding to the word of the Lord, blessings do come and prayers are answered. And it was then that the company has started to conduct a Water Baptism for those workers who wanted to receive Jesus Christ fully into their lives.

And last August 25, 2012 at the Maravilla Beach Resort; the Foremen and Engineers of the company, who are also believers of God, decided to truly receive and embrace Jesus Christ in their lives. We are so overwhelmed with how the Lord Savior works that yet another batch of workers has submitted their selves to Him. The company is a witness to God’s magnificent doings; and we are just in awe. With the Lord’s grace, HomeChoice Planners is really blessed to be a blessing unto the others. We’re pleased to be an instrument in spreading God’s words and love; inviting them as well to be disciples of the Almighty Father.

This water baptism service wouldn’t be possible without the CDO First Assembly of God Church headed by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon. That is why we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to their church. We would like to extend our warmest thanks also to the workers for their strong faith with the Lord; and also an overwhelming gratitude to our Father Almighty for everything.

Be a disciple of God. Believe in Him. Receive and Embrace Jesus Christ in your life. Spread the good news!

Mass Wedding Year 3

It has been an annual event for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation to conduct a Mass Wedding every month of August. This all started in the year 2010 and because of its success, it has already become a tradition for us to organize this sponsored ceremony for our workers.

August 28, 2012 – is a very memorable day for the lovely couples; as this was the day that they have exchanged vows and said their “I dos”. It was more memorable because it’s also the feast day of Cagayan de Oro City. The CDO First Assembly of God Church has been HomeChoice Planners’ partner in this event for three years now; and it is also where the ceremony is held at. And with this year’s celebration, we are overwhelmed with the number of couples who decided to join as one in the holy name of matrimony.

In the wedding proper, Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon was the one who ministered the ceremony. The staffs of HomeChoice Planners were present as well; as they were the ones who stood as the cord, veil sponsors and also the ring, bible and coin bearers. It is just wonderful to see the brides marching down the aisle and on the end of it, their soon to be husbands are waiting for them; the grooms’ eyes glowing with love and appreciation for their bride. After the wedding ceremony, reception then follows on the same venue, where the newlyweds, sponsors and congregation had a satiating meal.

The event was again, a successful one. We’re so glad with the outcome of this year’s mass wedding. It wouldn’t be this successful without those people working behind it. So, to those people, you know who you are, thank you! Thank you for the time and effort in organizing this ceremony. We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the CDO First Assembly of God Church for the continuous support and partnership. A big thanks also to the workers and their wives, because if not for their participation, this event wouldn’t even be possible. Lastly, to our Almighty Father for all the things He has graced upon us. With His graces, we get to live with our vision; that is ‘blessed to be a blessing’. Kudos to us!

Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication: P.N. Roa Project

Here comes another project for the third quarter! HomeChoice Planners will soon be working on another renovation project. This project will take place at P.N. Roa Subdivision, wherein the family concerned decided to turn their house into a bigger and spacious one-storey house.

And just like all the other projects that we have, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication ceremony is on top of our to-do list before starting a certain construction. The groundbreaking and lot dedication service of the Poyogao family was held last August 18, 2012. The CDO First Assembly of God church, headed by Ptr. Elpie Taboclaon, was the one who officiated in the said ceremony.

It was a short ceremony but indeed a great one. We’re privileged to be able to help yet another family with their dreams. It’s a great pleasure for us to render our services in realizing their desire of having a wonderful house. Big thanks to the Poyogao family for believing in our skills and ability to build their dream home. And of course, thank you also to our Father Almighty for gracing HomeChoice Planners with non-stop blessings. All of these projects, we lift it up to Him.

Soon enough, we’ll be posting photos on our facebook page; as well as articles on our blog site with regards to the developments of this project. We’ll keep you updated!