
HCP moves forward!

hcp-groundbreakingIt has been an awesome 2012 for HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation. An overwhelming number of projects came into the company last year and we are just so thankful to the Lord Almighty for all of the blessings.

For this New Year, HomeChoice Planners has made some amendments that would further improve the company’s service. These changes are not only for the benefit and growth of the company but for the staffs and workers as well. This would help the staffs and workers in the improvement of their performance. Not that their performance isn’t good, it is just a way of developing more of their skills and also build their character.

The company’s major goal is to move forward and part of it is the possibility of constructing a building. With the company’s continually growing family, a new office is in plan. And the start of this plan happened last January 18, 2012; when the company formally dedicated the lot adjacent to the warehouse. The groundbreaking ceremony was ministered by the CDO First Assembly of God church, headed by Ptr. Lloyd Yana.

hcp-warehouseThis is just the start of the so many plans that HomeChoice Planners has. It is the beginning of the company’s moving forward goal. We know that you’re already curious about this soon to rise office building. But we will not go into details for now as we haven’t made some final plans yet. As soon as we have it then we’ll gladly disclose it to all of you.

All of these plans we lift it up to our Mighty Lord. Without His guidance and presence, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation wouldn’t be where it is now. We dedicate this soon to be constructed building to Him. Glory to God!

Celebrating Christmas. Celebrating Life.

christmas-party-homechoiceHomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation celebrates! There’s a ton of reasons why the company needs to celebrate this Christmas season.

Firstly, it is the natal day of our Lord Jesus Christ and it is just essential that we celebrate Christmas in honor of His name. Another reason to celebrate is the overflowing abundance that the company has received for the year 2012. Thank God for all of the blessings! Lastly, we celebrate life. The more we need to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday for He is the reason why we are here. If not for His great true love for us, we’re long gone by now. Thank you for the salvation Lord!

homechoice-xmas-party-2012Celebrating Life. This was also the theme used during our company’s Christmas party last December 29, 2012. It was held at Pryce Plaza Hotel; all the office staffs and construction workers were present in the said event. We are so happy to see all of the workers neatly and properly dressed for the first time. It’s good to see them dressed in suits and dress. Cheers for the effort!

In the said party, the attendees had a really great time as we have prepared a lot of stuff for them. Raffle and door prizes were in store for them. Christmas presentation contest was included in the program where in each team (that is according to their skills) have joined showing their hidden talents to the congregation. There was also a best dressed award for male and female category. Here are the results of the following competitions:

xmas-party-2012Christmas Presentation:

1st Place – Mambuaya Group
2nd Place – RPM Realty
3rd Place – Plastering II Team

Best Dressed Award:

Male – Mr. Julito Tomampoc
Female – Ms. Percy Mosqueda

The event ended with a glee. Everybody went home happily as they all have received gifts and freebies. It’s a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year indeed. Thank you to all our beloved workers for attending. If not for your attendance and participation, the party wouldn’t be successful. Congratulations also to the winners of the Christmas presentation and to the recipients of the best dressed award. Kudos to all of us!

Kid’s Christmas Party

Christmas is the time our Savior Jesus Christ was born. We celebrate Christmas Day because we want to acknowledge Jesus’ natal day. And as what we always do to someone’s birthday; we celebrate and conduct a party. Because it is the birthday of Jesus Christ, we are celebrating it in a special way.

In line with Jesus Christ’s birthday, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation decided to conduct a Christmas Party for the kids. It is not only a party for the kids but also of their mothers. The attendees are wives and children of the workers. The said party was a whole day event that was held last December 28, 2012 at Hillsborough Pointe Clubhouse.

It was a fun filled party as we have invited guests that would entertain the children and the mothers. hcp-kids-partyThe kids really enjoyed with the games that the party organizers have prepared. They were amazed by the tricks that the magician has shown to them and was also surprised by the appearance of tinker bell and optimus prime mascots. The children and even the mothers excitedly shot a pose together with the mascots. They even took a video of the mascots dancing.

The party conducted was a success. The mothers and their kids had a really great time. And they all went home with smiles plastered on their faces. HomeChoice Planners couldn’t be gladder with the outcome of the event. The company is grateful for all the boons that God has given and in return we give back to the other people. Cheers to that!

House Blessing: VVV Project 6

Christmas season is here! And at this time, everybody is busy listing down things to buy for the gift giving. Speaking of gifts, one family is sure very merry in this season as their dream has finally come true. And this realization was the biggest gift that they have received from up above.

This Vista Verde Village Project that HomeChoice Planners has been working on for almost 7 months can now be physically seen standing in the said subdivision. With this, the Mejica family has decided to conduct a house blessing last December 26, 2012. The celebration was made to honor God for the wonderful gift that He has given to the family. They also wanted to say hello to year 2013 in their new abode.

HomeChoice Planners is really grateful for this accomplishment as they have made another family happy this Christmas season. The company is also thankful to the Almighty Father; that with His guidance and protection, another project was successfully done. In behalf of HomeChoice Planners, big thanks to the Mejica family for trusting the company’s service with this house project. It’s a great pleasure for the company to build their dream house. Thank you also for being a part of our family. Kudos!

Thanksgiving on the 24th

It has been four years already since the bible study service every Monday has started. And looking back, HomeChoice Planners had a really rough start on establishing this kind of practice. On the first year of the bible study service, only few construction workers would attend; but as the years go by, the other construction workers was able to witness and experience how great our Lord God is. And by God’s grace, the number of attendees eventually grew and it continually grows up until now.

Tradition as it is, HomeChoice Planners usually conducts a Christmas Thanksgiving service every month of December. christmas-thanksgivingIt is just essential that we offer and give back all the blessings that the Almighty Father has bestowed upon us. On this day, we acknowledge all the wonderful things that the Lord has graced upon our company. HomeChoice Planners wouldn’t be where it is right now without the guidance and protection of the Abba Father.

For this year’s thanksgiving service, we have invited Ptr. Roger Ruiz of CDO First Assembly of God church to share to us the word of God. He then emphasized to each and every one of us the true essence of Christmas. He also gave us words of encouragement to continue on praising and worshiping God for nothing is impossible with Him. HCP-thanksgiving

HomeChoice Planners is and will always be grateful to the Lord our God. He never ceases to amaze all of us. Thank you so much Lord for all the great things that you have given to all of us; and one of them is the life of your son Jesus Christ, for He is the proof of your true love to humankind. Let us be reminded that Christmas is not about Santa Claus but it is all about Jesus Christ. Happy Birthday Jesus! Happy Christmas!

VVV Project 7: Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication

Here’s an addition to HomeChoice Planners’ new construction projects. This certain project will soon start its full swing construction at Vista Verde Village. It is also the company’s 7th project in the said subdivision for this year alone.

It’s a privilege for us to be able to help yet another family in building their house. We are thankful for this opportunity given to render our service to the family concerned. And as part of our service, Groundbreaking and Lot Dedication was conducted. Last December 10, 2012, the said ceremony was held at Vista Verde Village and it was ministered by the CDO First Assembly of God church. vvv-go-groundbreakingHPCC staffs, relatives and friends of the family were present and stood as witnesses in the remarkable ceremony.

To the Go family, thanks for this opportunity. HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation family is glad because as the years go by, our family continually grows. The new projects that comes in means that we will be having an additional family member; and we are grateful for it. Thank you also to our Almighty Father for all of these blessings.

If you want to see the developments of the different projects that we have, just visit our facebook page. Click like and then browse on the photos of our different projects. Updates regarding this Vista Verde Village Project 7 will be posted soon. Until then!

Tips on Choosing the Right Home Builder

Thinking about realizing your dream house, but not sure how to start? To help you in finding the right General Contractor for your new home, here are some simple tips to follow:

· Sketch your dream – before consulting an architect, you can begin by drawing or sketching out your ideas; imagining your dream home. In this way, the architect can easily make perspective and floor plans out of your sketches.

· Check for referrals and reviews – the best contractor is often busy not by advertising but by finding work through “word of mouth” referrals and repeat customers. So, collect referrals and recommendations from friends, co-workers, neighbors and material suppliers.

· Choose contractors that are licensed and insured – research their background before hiring them. It is important that you check if your contractor is licensed and properly insured because it ensures that they are qualified to do the work. Their insurance should cover damage to your house or if a worker gets injured on the job. Keep in mind that just because they’re licensed contractor, doesn’t mean they’re insured. It’s up to you to do the diligence and make sure they are insured.

· Select contractors that have their own office – contractors owning an office would mean that they are an established construction company; it is more convenient and easier for you to visit their office for your concerns and needs. It would also mean that they wouldn’t run away from you and your transactions.

· Interview your contractor – don’t be afraid to ask questions from your contractor. For example, you can ask about how long they have been in the business or have they done projects that are similar to yours, etc. Building your home is an investment of time and money; and you want to make sure that you’re hiring someone who is up for the requirements of the job.

· Ensure a contract – it is vital to have a contract with your general contractor. Things like the start date and expected completion date of construction, as well as the exact work inclusions and costs should be included in the contract. Both parties should sign the contract and have a copy.

· Make sure it offers the right price – look for the right builder that fits to your price range and find someone whose work you like and you can trust. Be open and ask about what they charge so that you’ll know if you can afford to pay them. At the beginning of the job, be very clear of the costings and ask whether you need to be prepared for any unexpected costs. And also keep in mind not to hire contractors that are solely based on lowest price.

· Look for a reliable contractor with good track record – prior to hiring a contractor, you have to make sure that your contractor is reliable. See to it that they have a good track record which shows that their previous projects were successful. It is a guarantee to you that they are a trustworthy company.

House Blessing and Turn-over: VVV Project 4

For this year alone, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation was able to build almost 10 houses. Each houses built were turned over to the rightful owners in its complete state. As the year is about to end, numerous house projects are almost to finish and in line for turnover on this month of December.

One of the projects that are included in the turn over list for this month is the Vista Verde Village Project 4. Last December 8, 2012, the newly built house at Vista Verde Village was finally turned over to the de Leon family. And at the same time they also had their house blessing. The de Leon family is very grateful for the blessings that the Lord Almighty has showered upon them.

We were privileged to be invited in the said house blessing and hear the very kind words that the family has said to us. To the de Leon family, thank you so much for the positive words. We too are glad to be part and tool in realizing your dreams. Thank you also to our Almighty Father for this yet another successful project. We thank Him for the continuous guidance and protection.

This is just the first of the so many houses included for the turn over. We just can’t wait to see the other projects done and turn it over to the families concerned. Surely, they are excited also because their Christmas will be spent in their new humble abode. Updates soon!

Notice to the Public

This is to notify the public that the following persons: Stephanie “Steph” Q. Ocular and Arvin Don “Don” Bandojo, are no longer connected with HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation/RPM Realty since January 2012. Consequently, their facebook page – Cagayan de Oro Homes – is not authorized by our company. As such, any transactions or services made by them after the said date which in any way connected with the company are not authorized by us.

HCP Foremen’s Dahilayan Escapade

Looking back, HomeChoice Planners has indeed grown into a bigger company. In line with the company’s growth are the numerous houses that were built and still building. Construction workers have also increased in number; thanks to them because they are the one’s responsible for each successful project. And behind these workers are their mentors and leaders; foremen as what they are called in the construction field. The foremen’s good leadership is what makes the construction workers’ performance well.

Being a foreman is not an easy job; they are the engineer’s right hand. They stay on construction sites, checking the progress of the projects and monitoring the workers under them. Work, work, work. This is what they think and do in order for them to have a better future. They work hard just to provide everything for their family. In working their butts off, they forget to give their self some me time; time to chill and relax.

As part of the company’s thanksgiving; thanksgiving for all the boons and success that the Lord has given to us, HomeChoice Planners also gave the foremen and leadmen a time to have fun. Last November 24, 2012, they had a time off from work and went to Dahilayan Adventure Park. They were given the opportunity to relax and enjoy all the amenities in the park. Some of the foremen conquered the Asia’s Longest Dual Zipline and others drove the ATV rides along bumpy roads.

It was a one day spent for their self; me time as what they say. The foremen and leadmen surely enjoyed their one day escapade at Dahilayan; it was indeed a rollicking adventure. Kudos to them!