ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System
8 March 6, 2015 by admin · Filed under: Articles, News
What is ISO? International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental membership organization that gives world-class specifications for products, services and systems. They also ensure quality, safety and efficiency; an instrument in facilitating international trade. The international standards that they have set make things easily work; ensuring that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. To business, ISO standards are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors. It also increases productivity. The ISO group has already published over 19 500 International Standards. And it caters to almost every industry; technology, food safety, agriculture and healthcare.
The ISO group has published various International Standards; one of its most popular and widely used standards is the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. This quality improvement standard has already over one million certified organizations in 180 countries worldwide. This kind of system offers great benefits that will definitely give the company a boost in their management system. With ISO 9001:2008, the company can save money and time through quality management practices that can increase their organizational efficiency, productivity and profitability. They can minimize risk by consistently achieving level of quality defined by standard, thus ensuring that products and services are less likely to fall short of customer expectations. Also, it can increase the company’s competitiveness that will attract investors and lowers trade barriers to the business. And gain market recognition which can help establish the company’s presence as a supplier when entering a new market.
ISO’s Quality Management System is what HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has been using now. They chose this kind of system to be able to consistently meet and exceed their customers’ expectations. The company aims to attain significant improvements in organizational efficiency and product quality by minimizing waste and errors, and increasing productivity. HPCC aims to have an effective management, and with this, the company shows their dedication to optimizing their operations by demonstrating their commitment to quality, safety and security. Having been certified for the Quality Management System gave HPCC the opportunity to have full visibility of their processes and resources. It has also emphasized their commitment to sustainability and dedication to raising employee motivation and customer satisfaction.
ISO Certification process has been a long and winding road for HPCC. It wasn’t an easy process but with the glory of God, guidance of the consultants and auditors, as well as the staffs’ hard work and motivation, HPCC was able to pass the certification process and is now ISO Certified. Kudos!