Monthly Archives: April 2022

Minimalist Homes!

Whether it’s your first home or you’re downsizing from another, be sure to check out some of the best minimalist homes for any budget. The perfect blend of simplicity and style, each of these designs offers a distinct personality. Most future owners across the region love these designs, and we think you will, too! The best part about embracing minimalist living is that you are not limited by style, shape, or even size, to a certain degree. Whether you need a tiny home for easy relocation or a energy efficient and environmentally friendly design to live in for years, we have tons of options. And by committing to a minimalist home design, your wallet will be just as happy as you are! Minimalist homes are some of the most affordable because they place focus on necessities and cut out frivolities. By offering the best of the basics, you can get a great home that allows you to spend more time with your family instead of worrying about paying for or maintaining a larger, more complex homes. But don’t think that going minimal means that you have to sacrifice or cut any corners in the design or amenities. Our minimalist homes for any budget offer the spaces and styles you know and love, and you’ll find enough diversity to serve the needs of different families. Minimalist homes do not have to be cold, white, sparse, unlivable, or unrealistic. In fact, modern minimalism décor is turning around the misconception that minimalist homes cannot be cozy. We are all just searching for balance in our lives. Often our homes throw us off balance with the mounds of items stuffed within our square footage. So we decide that minimalism might be the cure. But sometimes we get stopped by fear that having a minimalist home will make it feel cold and well, less “homey.” Home is comfort and minimalism has had a bad wrap for making homes feel like distilled water. Luckily for us, minimalist homes are starting to find their own cozy vibe. From white kitchens to simple living rooms, minimalism is taking our homes by storm and it is not that difficult to create the look in your own home. If you truly feel there is no way to combine minimalism and coziness, then I encourage you to visit and build with us. Ready? Lets Talk!

Do you Really Saved Cost when you Do Not Hire a Builder?

There’s a very good reason why people hire experienced and expert professionals to help them in their new build, renovation and/or decorating their interiors. So that the fails and mistakes don’t end up happening to their home! A major constructional fail could cost a company significant time and expenses on a project. Worst of all, people’s lives could be at risk, if the structure isn’t sound! The drawers are super handy in any room, and simple enough to figure out how to use. You pull them out to store things, then close them for safekeeping. Always, always, always measure anything and everything first. Also, ensure to provide the same appliances being measured. Failing to measure a room or space is one of the most common interior design fails, and a sure-fire route to household disappointment. No matter how short you are of space, some rooms should be sacred. They might both need plumbing, but adding your toilet to your kitchen is a fail that cannot be overcome. There are so many pointed angles and sharp corners in this photo that even the image itself might end up blinding someone! Design a space that’s easy on the eye, and don’t think just chopping up doors is a way to solve the problem of strange ceiling angles. We get it, sometimes walls are annoying and cut out natural light. Choosing just to randomly cut out half of a wall and a door is a construction fail, where the solution is worse than the problem. It doesn’t matter how big your bathroom is, nobody wants to sit in a line during their special time, more so when their bottoms are almost touching, so don’t try to cut corners or costs for this area! Attention to detail is critical. The right tiles can be a great addition to your home, and even enhance the livability… but you need to get it right during installation, or live with the consequences of irregularity!  Don’t carpet a bathroom. Don’t carpet a bathtub. And most definitely don’t turn your bathtub into a weird carpeted four-poster bed-monster. It’s nice to make the most of all your spaces, but unless you’re Spiderman, you’re unlikely to find much value in this stranded island above this entrance area. A final fail to avoid is less about construction, and more about good choices. It’s important to carefully consider the color of your home before you commit. Otherwise, you might just end up with a horror show . Remember that sometimes, how you picture a design at the concept stage, won’t always have the same effect as the end result once it has been. This is why it’s so important to get feedback from other trusted parties, as they can provide a valuable point of view to your interior designs that you might have missed. And be sure the proper plans and shop drawings, documentation, contracts as well as materials specifications in placed. Do you really cut cost when you don’t hire a builder? No, you dont and it adds more stress. Ready to Build? Lets Talk!

Home Cleaning Series-Bathroom!

No one likes to bathe in a tub that hasn’t been cleaned, yet how many of us hop in the same shower day after day without cleaning it at all? It’s time to tackle this chore like a pro. Since a dark, damp environment is perfect for growing mold, mildew and germs, you can minimize funk by leaving the shower as dry as possible when you’re finished. After every use, we suggests taking the following steps:
1. Scrape and squeegee the water off of walls, floor and door.
2. Wipe these areas again with a towel to remove any leftover condensation.
3. Leave a bathroom window open for an hour or run the vent fan for 20-30 minutes to reduce humidity.
4. Leave the shower curtain or door ajar to allow humidity to disperse.
Even though you do your best to keep the shower dry, it’s inevitable that some moisture will remain. Left untouched, this moisture can form slime, mold and mildew that’s not only unsightly and stinky, it’s downright unhealthy. You may be adding to your shower’s problems without realizing it. Did you know opaque bar soap leaves behind soap scum? It sure does. Make the switch to liquid body wash or shower gel and soap scum will be a thing of the past. Where you keep bath products in the shower is also a factor in the growth of slime and mildew. Is your shampoo, conditioner and body scrub stored on the floor of the shower? Bad idea. This allows water to collect under them and become a breeding ground. It’s better to keep them on a shelf or a shower caddy that does not have a solid bottom. Also, check your cleaning products, if possible used biodegradable and natural cleaning products, if it harms the microorganisms-it is also does to humans. Bottom line , just ensure regular cleaning and drying every after use to avoid accumulation. Happy cleaning!

Cozy Workplace at Home!

Anyone can appreciate a dedicated work area to complete a to-do list, read a good book or even kickstart a passion project that’s been put on the back burner for way too long. Whether that space is an entire room where you can shut the door or just a cozy small nook in the corner of a living room, there are a myriad of home office ideas that can help you maximize space without skimping on style. Once you’ve nailed down exactly how you plan to use your home office, you can have fun with all kinds of design tricks. There’s removable wallpaper, budget-friendly furniture, stylish color palettes — the list goes on. What’s more, a home office presents the opportunity to put your favorite decorating style on full display. You can go for a sleek and modern look that’s complete with a built-in cabinet and minimal accessories, or on the other end of the spectrum, you can boost your creativity with a trendy design scheme that’s packed with lively hues and patterns. For the past two years, our work space has drastically change and evolve. We learn to maximize and utilize our technology trends in the workplace. Working within our home is the new normal. These days, you can run an entire office within the palm of your hand. But just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s efficient. If you plan on getting some real work done, you’ll need an office, and for many of us, that means a home office. With the right infrastructure and set-up, you can create a space that’s as efficient as it is stylish. By the time you hook up your scanner, your printer, your monitor, your phone and your tablet, you’ve got a mess of cords to deal with. Is there any space left to work? Get a desk that can help you manage all that cable clutter. Holes by the leg allow the cords to run down one side neatly, so you can turn that mess into a streamlined situation. Making a conference call? You’ll want a speaker so you can talk hands-free and be heard clearly. But this is your home office, so no stuffy gray system for you. Buy a bluetooth speaker in bright colors, and is a multi-tasker. It will charge your smartphone while you’re on the call, and you can use it anywhere in the house to stream music when the workday is done. A shredder isn’t sexy, but it’s critical for properly disposing of sensitive documents you work with at home. Bottom-line, we are doing all this to achieve much more productivity in our work even at home!
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